May 19, 2009

A Last Minute Gift . . .

My friend Angela's birthday was on Saturday. For the first time in three years, I was not able to take her a bouquet of flowers from my garden because cooler temperatures mean nothing is in bloom yet. I gave her a rain check on the flowers, but in the meantime needed a quick little something to take to her and another friend as we celebrated their birthdays with lunch yesterday.

I grabbed my trusty pot of Modge Podge, my stash of scrapbook paper, some scissors and a few new notebooks, put on the Twilight soundtrack and went to work creating one-of-a-kind personalized sets for these two friends who are both chronic list makers {aka: kindred spirits}.

Here's the finished result, which only took one hour to make and most of that was me waiting impatiently for Modge Podge to dry. Total cost per set was $0.00, because I had all supplies on hand, but if I had to remember prices, I'd say each set was under $3.00.

Happy Birthday dear friends! And happy list making . . . such joy!

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Suzanne C said...

those are cute!

Apis Melliflora said...

Lucky friends!

The Queen Vee said...

My clever quick thinking Dragonfly, you never cease to amaze me.

C and Co. said...

Truly amazing yet again!!

Tobi said...

Why don't we live closer to each other? Then I too could benefit from your awesome gift giving/craft skillz!