April 13, 2009

In Our Easter Bonnets . . .

Actually, none of us wore a bonnet. But we did snap a quick shot before heading off to church in our Easter finery. We spent the morning inside finding hidden baskets, watching a beautiful movie about the life of the Savior and enjoying the warm sunshine pouring in through our windows. When we finally stepped outside, Hannie B and I were most shocked to find that our sunny day was actually a day of barely 50 degrees!

Nevertheless, we made our way to church, goosebumps, baby bumps and all and ended our Easter festivities with our traditional ham dinner at the Queen and Kernal's house surrounded by family. It was a very lovely day.

(PS. Is it wise to stick a huge print on a large belly? Just wondering.)
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Tobi said...

If you actually had a large belly I would probably say no to prints. BUT YOU DON'T SILLY. Your preggo imagination is making your cute belly into a mountain.

Love your dress! Please tell me it's one of your maternity/non maternity options that you found at Kohls. Right?

Apis Melliflora said...

The whole family looks wonderful! Awesome dress Dragonfly! I say words on pregnant bellies can be very sassy. Go for it!

The Dragonfly said...

Dress courtesy of Motherhood Maternity. Sorry Tobi!

The Queen Vee said...

Great family pic, wowzer pg dress. Keep wearing it.

Lori Gerten said...

You look great!

jd said...

you are darling. DARLING. I see no huge belly, I only see a dang cute pregger friend. And a beautiful belly created by a very special hug. hee hee.

Sue said...

"A very special hug"- I'm totally gonna have to use that in the impending "talk"!

Sammy- lookin' gorgeous as always! You should have Chris do some belly shots of you when you get about 8 months along. It's hard to talk yourself into it at that stage when you're feeling like a heifer, but I did it with both of my girls and now I treasure those images.