April 14, 2009

I Donut Know What To Say . . .

Hello Gorgeous! (say it like Barbara Streisand.) I've been waiting for you all my life!

Last week as one of our Spring Break outings, the kids and I hit a new shop in town called "The Fractured Prune". I didn't know much about it except that it had a weird name and supposedly donuts were involved, which was enough to get me in the door.

Much to my surprise and delight, it was a custom donut shoppe. You read correctly - CUSTOM. As in you create your own flavor and they apply it to a piping hot donut straight out of the hopper right in front of your eyes. Yeah, it's pretty much sheer genius!

There are oodles of glazes, sprinkles, crumbs and other deliciousness just waiting for you to come in and get all mad scientist in your creating. There are also suggested favorites, which is what we went with for our first visit.

I can't even handle looking at the picture right now - I am drooling like a dog all over myself.

The boys went for the "Carnival" (sprinkles over a honey glaze) while Hannie B tried out the "Mint Chocolate Chip" - the chips becoming a beautiful melty dream once applied to the hot donut dipped in mint glaze. I got two of the original donuts, the "Ocean City Sand" (honey glazed, dipped in cinnamon sugar) for the Hubby and I and one "Lemon" (hot donut dipped in lemon glaze) - for the baby, of course.

I love it when new, innovative shops come to our town, but I will definitely have to stay away from the Fractured Prune for the next three months. Otherwise, I might as well grab a few and apply them straight to my derriere. To. Die. For.

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The Queen Vee said...

I Donut want to check this place out as this girl needs to lose 25 pounds not gain 25 pounds. So glad you did it for us.

christy said...

So jealous. We are donut lovers here. It's probably good we don't have a place like this in town. Our closest really good donuts are a half hours drive so sometimes we have to think of a reason to drive there. Maybe someday we'll make it back to Leesburg and try them out.

Kasey said...

What a great shop! I'm sure my kids would love to go there.

Apis Melliflora said...

Look at all the sprinkles on those donuts! And to know that only half would make their way into a little mouth makes my OCDishness bristle a bit. That's a dangerous place for any woman...not just a pregant one, but kids should EN-JOY!

Dan and Bec said...

Jacob just saw the picture of the doughnuts and let out and excited "Oooo YUM Mom! I want the one with all the sprinkles!" We might just have to come visit you sometime soon;)

Emily said...

Looks super delish!

Tobi said...

Oh my delicouness!! I wish they had hip and trendy donut places like that in my part of nowhere Texas.

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

I wish I lived there! I want to eat all of those donuts! Especially the lemon one! Yum!

lee said...

oh we love the fractured prune. it used to be here in annapolis, but closed. oh how much we miss the "sand" (the best one in my book), the "redskins" (although they kept running out of maroon and gold...better keep them in stock in your neck of the woods) and "navy".

have fun with it. tell them we said hello. it was a sunday ritual after church. yum!

p.s. a dozen make a great hostess gift or playgroup snack too!

Susan said...

can't wait to try this yummy new place!

TracieCarter said...

I so wish I was there to try a new spot in town! But since I am like the Queen, it's better I admire and drool from afar!

jd said...

"... -for the baby, of course." Best line ever :)

That looks so super fantastic,those people are GENIUSES! And smart,too-- bagels are soooo last decade and the frozen yogurt craze of the 80's has made a comeback, sooo... It's high time for the doughnut's day in the sun! But fractured prune or whatever is about the stupidest name I've ever heard, maybe next to naming your baby Marmaduke like Bear Grimes did.

Unknown said...

I hope it's still around when we come to town again! yum, and yes the belly is way cute! Congrats!