March 23, 2009

Luscious . . .

I am really bad at remembering to take a picture of my family on Sunday. Especially the day after a huge event when I feel like I've been run over by a bus. We haven't captured our brood for two weeks now, and by the time we do, I will have increased in girth by at least three inches!

Part of that is due to the fact that we bid on a chocolate truffle pecan pie at the dessert auction and it was delicious. With ice cream. And a cookie on the side. We also won a plate of soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies made by one of the Young Women and my children were foolish enough to bid $30 on a basket filled with candy. It's their teeth that will rot, and the money was for a good cause, so the Hubby let them.

My "Luscious Orange Cake" (pictured) was the first item up for bid in the live auction and went for a sweet $45. Of course the lovely family that bought it let me have a bite. Now I might have to make this as a companion to the homemade samoas I'm planning on crafting this week. Or maybe I will wait until I've seen my doctor one week from today - where he just might tell me to slow down on the baking and eating of the baking.

Recipe for peanut butter balls coming tomorrow. They went for $60 in the live auction because someone in my ward is totally crazy. (anyone want the cake recipe?)

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The Queen Vee said...

Love that cake. I think it will be desert for Easter, actually, I think it was last year too.

I know how hard you worked to make the fundraiser a success, it would be even better if the girls could work hard to raise the funds all by themselves. Maybe next year.

Sue said...

Yes, I must have the cake recipe, too. It sounds like something my Mom would love for her birthday (in December).

Glad you survived the fundraiser. Did I tell you I'm in YW, too? I'm the Laurel advisor, so not nearly as overwhelmed as you, but I try to make it to most of the activities and help with the big events.

Kasey said...

Looks like it should be in a magazine!! You're amazing.

Apis Melliflora said...

So might hardly want to eat it.

You worked so diligently on so many elements of your fundraiser! So, now it's time to have your cake and eat the pie too.

christy said...

Your cake looks lovely and the desserts sound delicious. I have to echo the sentiment of the Queen. Our ward did the same auction the last three years with ward members working to make fabulous things and then emptying their pocketbooks. In our ward situation, it was the same few families bidding on everything. This year I am very excited about their new fundraiser idea and willing to shell out more bucks because the youth are actually going to be working hard. We are making lists as families of ANY jobs we are willing to pay the YM/YW to do and the price and then the presidencies help match the youth to our jobs. They are also doing a car wash on the side as well. Sorry for too much info. Sometimes I don't know when to stop.
P.S. Let me know how the samoas turn out. I haven't gotten around to making them yet.

LJB said...

That cake is too beautiful to eat! But I bet it tastes just as good or better than it looks!

Glad your fund raiser was a success!

jd said...

um, YES I want the recipe!! That looks SUPER delicious. My favorite part about this blog, though, is how well the top photos goes with your blog colors and banner... it makes me want to eat, or dance around a May pole, or both. YUMMY and SPRINGY.

Tobi said...

I need to stop reading your blog first thing in the morning. Especially if you keep posting pictures of pure baked goodness! I end up eating milk and cookies instead of something more healthy like Grape Nuts cereal.

But please do post the recipe for the cake of yummyiness.