March 11, 2009

Heart To The Very End . . .

I think the look on his face says it all: very tired and a little disappointed.

The team with the big heart lost the championship game by three points. As Big C sat on the floor at the moment this picture was taken, his coach was telling the team, "You may not have the championship trophy, but you have something no other team had this year. You have heart." Some boys cried, but my boy gladly accepted his shiny plastic hardware, congratulated the other team and moved on to baseball.

Disney movie material.
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Tobi said...

WAY TO GO BIG C! Congrats on having the team with the biggest heart!

Apis Melliflora said...

For some strange reason, my heart has always gone out to the second place winners. They're usually my favorite. Big C and the Bullets: case in point.

Kasey said...

I think having a good sportsmanship attitude is key. There are so many parents who are supposed to be the role models acting so childish and violent!!

The Queen Vee said...

Big C is a first place winner to me every single day. Loving those trophies.

Anonymous said...

I love my son. He makes me proud!

Susan said...

Having witnessed this well played game I say they played their hearts out and should be very proud of how they played the game!!!

Lori Gerten said...

I hope my children have a heart like that when it comes to others. You and Travis are doing a great job as parents.