March 12, 2009

Let The Questions Begin . . .

It has started.

Yesterday the RedDog asked me the first of what I'm sure is going to be a long list of questions before Bambino #4 joins us. He climbed up onto my ever shrinking lap and said, "Momma, what is our baby going to look like?"

I replied with, "Well, he'll be totally cute, fair skinned, have blue or green eyes, light hair, rosy cheeks and lots and lots of freckles!"

RedDog looked at me in wonder and finished off with one more question: "Wow, momma, how did you know that?"

Umm . . . You tell me.

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Hil said...

Lol! So true. :) There's no denying that your kids are siblings is there?

Tobi said...

I love the pictures of your kiddos. They are all so adorable. I love all the freckles and the blue and green eyes. You and hubby's DNA combines well!!

Kasey said...

I love the freckles. All of my family especially we sisters get a tone when we're out in the sun.

Lori Gerten said...

Your kids are blueprints of each other! CUTE!

christy said...

Your kids are darling. I was sure he was going to ask all about how the baby got into your tummy. Those questions are always harder for me to answer.

Emily said...

Love the pictures of the kiddoes sweet faces!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Love the photos and the post!!!

Apis Melliflora said...

Maybe you'll have a black sheep!!=) Wonder what that would even look like! I like the current model, though. Good looking through and through.

The Queen Vee said...
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jd said...

wow, your kids don't look alike AT ALL.

Burton's blog said...

Sam-How did you get a perfect mix of you and Travis in all of your kids. I am jealous. 5 tries and none of my kids look like me!!

LJB said...

Talk about cookie cutter cute!! Love all the freckles and rosy cheeks!

Gigi said...

This is one of my favorite posts ever, anywhere, anytime. So adorable. My three children all look similar to each other (and to me)- reddish hair, fair skin, etc. Meanwhile my tall, dark and handsome husband just stands there scratching his head...

Lori said...

Sam- This ranks right up there as one of my favorite posts on Compound Eye! Cute conversation, cute response by cute mom, and even cuter kids! Can't wait for the cute baby to join your cute family.

Sue said...

I've been amazed as I've looked back at Lily and Amelia's baby pictures to see how much my three kids look alike as babies. I'll have to do a post about it. They definitely come from the same mold, just like your kiddos!