January 26, 2009

Skool Lunch

Eons ago when I worked at a paying job where I sat at computer which was actually attached to a desk, instead of in front of my fireplace, there was a little restaurant across the street from my office building called "Skool Lunch". Adults would file in and out of Skool Lunch each morning and afternoon for a chance to eat food reminiscent of their elementary school cafeteria days, all plopped on a plastic tray and served by ladies in hilariously hideous cafeteria lady clothes and hair nets.

I ate at Skool Lunch often and LOVED IT! The grilled cheese sandwich was to die for and their rice crispie treats were generously sized and had just the right amount of chewiness. Other items on the menu included things like: liverwurst sandwich, tuna sandwich, ham and swiss sandwich, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup, various cookies, and of course, small cartons of milk.

I loved the clever concept behind this restaurant. I loved that the food was tasty. I loved how it took me back to my cafeteria days - the days when I squealed with glee if it was mashed potato and gravy day!

I cannot say the same for the food at my kids school. I can barely walk past the school cafeteria at lunch time because the smell turns my stomach. I have actually had lunch with my kids and watch as much of the "hot lunch" is thrown away by student after student. It is NAH-STEEE!

Last week when we had Monday and Tuesday off for the inauguration, I busted out the plastic lunch trays (bought on clearance at Target for $1.99 last year) and we had our own version of Skool Lunch: Annnie's Organic Mac N' Cheese, orange wedges and a fig newton. It was yummy and the kids and I had fun pretending we were in our own cafeteria where the food does not make one sick. Do your kids eat cafeteria food?

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Tobi said...

Only in Virgina would school be out for inauguration day. I love that you made your healthy version of school lunch at home for your kiddos. You are such a good Mom!!

And yes my little man eats school lunch. Today he told me he had a brownie for lunch. =)

Apis Melliflora said...

We're huge fan of Annie's pasta and only this year did I wean the kids from the Target lunch trays.

My kids would go to Skool Lunch for B,L and D, 24/7...and I would join them.

Kool mom makes kolorful lunch!

Emily said...

I lovvvvve Skool Lunch! Yum! Your kids are lucky to have you to make them an edible and delicious cafeteria lunch.

Kasey said...

My kids don't yet, b/c they are so young. I'm not sure what I'll do. When I was in high school we were allowed to walk down town to a restaurant. It was nice to have choices. I just remember days I would eat and other I wouldn't.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

My kids school lunches are pretty good! (I know-I formerly was a teacher there-) so when they say tomorrow is Mexican pizza-yuck! I know they are correct and that day I make their lunch...other days, they eat the school lunch. Its a warm meal on a very cold MI day!

Susan said...

Christina is not a fan of school lunches at all. She prefers brown bagging it.

The Carlsons said...

Hmmm, buying school lunch trays. Can't say I've ever thought of that idea.

Tobi, school was out for a teacher work day. But yes, they did switch it from Friday of that week to Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly when they did that but it made sense because Monday was already a holiday and everyone wanted to be in front of their TV's on Tuesday....avoiding downtown.

The Queen Vee said...

Back in the dark ages when I went to school the lunches were made from scratch and yummy. Some of the best dinner rolls and cookies I've ever eaten were made at the Sandy Elementry School. School lunches now are all prepackaged and micro waved. I ate at your kids school once and I wouldn't do it again unless I was starving.

Small House said...

I used to love school lunch. Worked for the school district for 5 years. What happened? $$$

Great blog. And nice to meet you. I came from Kasey Hunts blog.

Have a good day!

chelsea said...

We used to get Taco Bell, Pizza Hut...all kinds of fast food delivered to our school...now they passed a law and all the food has to be healthy at the schools now!

Jessie said...

I think I remember going to Skool Lunch with you when we worked at the Church. You were pregnant and we met up with Scott Porter from freshman year...a reunion of sorts. I wonder what happened to him?

jd said...

and... once again... you are the coolest mom/person EVER.
