January 12, 2009

My New Office . . .

One of the gifts on my wish list for Christmas was to have the Hubby put our house on a wi-fi network. I was ready to be liberated from my desk in the library at the front of the house - dark, lonely, and LOUD due to piano practicers. My wish was granted and it has really changed the scene of things around here. Now, my office looks like this:

Here's the dealie-o: I flip the switch to the gas fireplace and warm the glass up a bit, grab myself a squishy throw pillow to sit on, cozy up with Veronica on my lap, and I'm ready to go! Today I spent no less than three hours this way. I caught up on blogs, did a bunch of work for my church calling, folded three loads of laundry, made several phone calls, read the mail, had some personal meditative time, updated the Hubby's family contact information,finished the book I was reading, helped the kids do their homework and am now typing this post all from the spot you see in the picture.

As my sis-in-law Audrey can attest, I am totally a "back to the fire" kinda gal, so this new office really suits me. Thanks Hubby for making another dream come true! Time to leave the office and go snuggle the gift giver!
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Emily said...

It's about time. You deserve an office of freedom. Good Job to the Hubby!

The Queen Vee said...

Ahhh, my kind of office and look how productive it has made you.

Apis Melliflora said...

Perfect office. I can picture you, Veronica, and laptop all snuggled together. I'm impressed that you didn't fall asleep.

Headline: Hubby conquers 21st century technology and wins wife's heart!

Tobi said...

How nice! I love WiFi! Give your Hubby an extra big squeeze for being such a good guy!

Kasey said...

I love the lap top!!! And look you can still get a lot accomplished and have fun on the computer!!

The Carlsons said...

I'm always glad to some spend the afternoon in your office. Thanks for the coco.