January 13, 2009

Of Breakfast and Beds . . .

We have a rule in our house that you don't get breakfast until you've made your bed. Even at 6:45 a.m. on a school day. It's one of the proud reasons I like to refer to myself as the meanest mom on the planet. Big C and Hannie B. have definitely learned that the bed making in this house has to happen - but only if you want to eat.

Still, every morning the RedDog comes to me with his sweet freckles and longing eyes and as he snuggles up to me he says, "Momma, I'm hungry." Naturally I ask him if he's made his bed yet. This begins what will be a twenty minute to one hour conversation between me and the wee one about how HARD it is to make the bed. And about how he "doesn't want to do it" (insert whiny tone here). Or about how he slept really messy and it's too crazy for a little kid to make. Or how the covers just seem so heavy today and his legs hurt because he must be growing which is why he needs food.

Some mornings this goes on for a long time. Some mornings the stars align and RedDog gets it into his brain that he isn't getting breakfast until he completes the two minute task of making his bed. Those are good days people. Mind you, we've made it simple for the kids. At our house no kid sleeps with a top sheet- it's just blankets to bodies. Don't be grossed out. I wash blankets and comforters often. It just simplifies the bed making a whole, whole lot. And that makes this mom very happy.

Today it took Soren an hour to make his bed. He did lots of things in between, like play and snuggle, look at books and listen to some music. Meanwhile, I ate breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, had some personal meditation and participated in the snuggle which was purely a delay tactic on his part.

Around 9:00 he could hear his stomach rumbling and finally gave in to the pressure. I thought it would be enjoyable to show the finished product. It's not perfect, but he did it all by himself. It has taken whole lot of effort for this Type A, perfectionist mom to not go in and remake it in two seconds with just a tug of the covers, but I want him to be proud of what HE accomplished.

Tomorrow I thought I'd share a post about the jobs my kids do around the house. All of our kids have helped with chores since they were 3 years old. I hope you'll join me, and not report me for breaking some kind of child labor laws.
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Kasey said...

Thanks for your comment!! Great insight, I agree.

I want to start that with my kids. Easy chores, Gibson likes to make his bed. He doesn't do it everyday but that is a good idea to do that before breakfast!! hmmm, my wheel's are turning. Stella loves to be my helper when I"m cleaning. I usually give her the broom and she goes to town on the floor! she loves to wear her apron!!!
way to go for sticking to your guns with the making the bed thing.

Emily said...

Great idea to get the kiddos to make their beds. I'm going to do this. Thanks for sharing!

The Queen Vee said...

"Red Dog" I understand procrastination. In fact I excel at it especially if it has to do with cleaning bathrooms. I bet if my mom had had me clean the bathroom before eating breakfast I wouldn't now be such a huge procrastinator about it. You see, I love breakfast! It's my favorite meal of the day. Samantha you are not the meanest mom, that would be me.

Hil said...

Got a kick out of the Queen's comment. :)
Look forward to your next post!
P.S. Plushy-plusherton arrived safe and sound and IS fabulous!

Apis Melliflora said...

I aspire to follow the dragonfly's example in all meanest mom in the world areas. Don't you just bet that Red Dog will enforce the bed-n-breakfast rule some day with his own kiddos.

Good job Red Dog!

Tobi said...

I'm so very pro chores first, play later. I make my kiddos clean their room and the living room every single night. So I'm afraid that I AM TRULY the Meanest Mom.

Jessie said...

You always seemed so on top of the household chores, it's great you have a working system for bedmaking. The only one I can get to do his regularly is Harrison. It is a massive struggle just to get my 5 yr old dressed in the mornings, I have yet to tackle the bed w/him....