January 4, 2009

For Fifty-two Weeks (give or take a few depending on my memory)

I love stealing other people's great ideas -- don't you? So today I'm totally mooching off of Liz over at A Backwards Attraction. I don't know Liz. But my brother and sister-in-law do and they say she's really nice. Her blog makes me laugh and think and then laugh some more. So, I feel confident in saying that she wouldn't mind if I borrow her idea.

Liz has been diligent in capturing her family (herself included) in a series of photos over the past year since I've been reading her blog. The idea steal is this: every Sunday in 2009 I am going to set the camera up on my sturdy and lovely Audrey-gifted tripod, turn on the self timer and run my buns over to wherever my family is sitting for a family self portrait. Won't this be fun?! You'll get to see 52 photographs of my little Lee universe every single Sunday it its various states of chaos and disarray. And I will get to have a week by week record of my people in all their growth, with their missing teeth, grumpy attitudes, crazy hair and funny clothing choices! I think I might just publish a coffee table book at the end of the year of the 52 pictures in their entirety. I'm pretty sure it will make me laugh and maybe even cry a little too.

I've known for a while that I would do this in the new year. So, with every good intention this morning, I worked feverishly to get my little ones beautified for church. Every hair was in place, every wrinkle ironed, every smudge of peanut butter wiped off tiny faces. And if I do say so myself, I made an extra effort to look "smokin' hot" as the Hubby put it. Got every one lined up in position, pushed the self timer button, heard a beep and saw the words INSUFFICIENT BATTERY flash on the small screen of the camera. AAAACK! (mind you this was NOT Edward, but my old digital camera.)

So, instead of the picture of perfection before church, what we've got for week #1 of our photo essay is the five of us in our pajamas ready for bed after a happy dinner and card games. As the Nester says, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!"
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Kasey said...

I think this is a great idea. Another blogger is taking a picture everyday for a year. Your idea sounds a little more practical for me.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

What a GREAT idea! I love it!

Lynne said...

Hi, Sam - I think this is such a fun idea. Mind if I steal?

Thanks for your comment on my blog, I think. Just kidding. I'm happy for Utah. Really. Church was a little hard today with all these Ute fans coming out of the woodwork. We still love the Tide, though. Love you and your blog!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Stole the idea and already posted it. I read your blog in the middle of posting my blog on resolutions and it seemed to tie together perfectly. The kids were thrilled the partake in the fun. Mom rarely takes photos with them, so this was good times.

thanks friend.

And no matter what you are still smokin' hot.

The Queen Vee said...

What a great idea, I'll look forward to the book at the end of the year. Picture # 1 was picture perfect.

Tobi said...

Love this idea! Can't wait to see your new pictures every week with the lovely Edward. I'll be on the front line of nagging you if you forget one week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam! I love reading your blog and keeping updated on your busy lives. Your mom asked me why I never left comments and I was embarrassed to admit that I didn't know how...but I'm happy to report that, indeed, it couldn't be easier!

Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to reading about all of your adventures in 2009.

west wind said...

Looks like this good idea is spreading exponentially! I might give it a try myself.

Lori Gerten said...

This will be fun to witness!!

Hil said...

Can't get enough of the Lee Clan. :)

chelsea said...

ooo I love it :) I love the picture everyday one too...I probably would steal that one...can I start late?

jd said...

um... everyone looks great, and you DO look smokin' hot!!! That was actually the first thing I noticed, before I read anything. Why are you so tan?? or are you just flustered from the excitement? Or does the camera simply love you?

would it be weird if I took a picture of me each week? I'm sure I change. Winter is pretty ugly, though.. hmmm maybe i'll just document my gradually increasing tan in the summer, instead.


squeezeme said...

Such a fun tradition to document your year. I look forward to you sharing each week with us.

C and Co. said...

I love this idea. In fact, when my parents, who haven't seen me or my kids in 2-3 months commented on how much they've changed, I realized I hadn't noticed a big change and that it would be nice to see if we really do change that quickly. I don't know if I have the brain power to remember to take a picture every week but I love the idea. I'm excited to see how your experiment goes.