December 27, 2008

New York, New York, What A Wonderful Town!

You've asked, so here it is . . . documented proof of our surprise trip to New York City with our kids before Christmas. We had a really wonderful two days in the city. Our kids thought it was a grand adventure and despite 16 degree weather on the first day and a whole, whole lotta walking, there was minimal whining and almost no fighting whatsoever (it totally helped to have our friends the Mecks along with their three kids!) I've included a brief explanation below each of the pictures. We did more than I've shown, but our hands were so freakin' cold, the pictures are fewer than I'd hoped. Great memories were made and we are so glad to have done this with our kids. Here's hoping your Christmas was great!
Here's our little clan enjoying a peek out at the Statue of Liberty - it's that tiny speck in the upper right hand corner. This was the very coldest moment (about 13 degrees with wind on top of that) on our trip and we are all trying very hard not to cry in this picture. There is a kid underneath the red hat and blue scarf named Big C who decided along with the rest of us that we didn't need to take the boat out to actually see the Statue since that just sounded cold.

Me and my boy outside the New York Stock Exchange . . . c'mon economy, you can do it!
Did you know that George Washington was inaugurated first President of the United States in New York City? Neither did I . . . until this trip. RedDog is hiding in the gray coat and black hat.

When the economy takes a turn for the better, you'll have my kids to thank. They all gave the Wall Street bull's nose a super good rubbing to help our country's financial crisis.
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Rockafeller Center Christmas Tree - still cold Big C. The 9 foot Swavroski Crystal star on top was amazing - 250,000 individual crystals!

Amazing Christmas windows at Saks Fifth Avenue

Finally, the boy takes off his cold weather gear to show that he's a loyal Yankee's fan (and also a die hard pizza fan)!

Nothing cures a day of cold, long walking like a New York slice. YUM!
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Big C took this shot from the top of the Empire State Building.

The Hubby and Big C went all the way up to the top! I stayed at the bottom with the chickens - which saved us $50!

Dragging Hannie B around the rink at Central Park!

Even the Hubby did a figure 8 or too! But where's the RedDog, you ask? He spent most of his time on the sidelines since he found ice skating to be a disturbing rendition of "Lord of the Dance" with his legs flailing independent of his body.
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Much more to the Red Dog's liking - the stuffed animals at FAO Schwartz!
Meanwhile, Big C and I enjoyed the hat selection in the grand toystore!
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Tobi said...

It's looks too cold to have so much fun. I really enjoyed all the pictures of your cute family! One day I hope to see New York for myself!

Lori said...

Looks like you had a GRAND Christmas time in the city that never sleeps. I enjoyed the cute pictures of your family...Merry Christmas and Happy 2009!

Apis Melliflora said...

Love all the different hats! Wow, you guys really seemed to have had a blast. Wish I could have joined you! Maybe another time.

C and Co. said...

How fun are you??? I ice skate much like Red Dog. Loved the Christmas card--always a highlight!

Julie said...

Those were fun pictures! It was cracking me up to see your kids all bundled up against the cold.

west wind said...

Glad you had a blast despite the cold and wind blasts. Did you bring home any Swarovski ornaments for your tree? A dear friend sends the annual Swarovski crystal ornament each year and they are really beautiful and sparkly.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!! I can't wait to one day go with my family...Last time was B.C.-Before kids!
Happy New Year!

MelancholySmile said...

It looks like you a wonderful time! What a grand way to spend Christmas. :)

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

But was it a NY slice from Sabarros??

I so want to go to NYC. But maybe I can not go when it's that cold out.

I kept watching for you at the morning shows. No dice.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

You got the Office reference with Sbarro's right??

LJB said...

How fun! What a great experience for your kids!

The Queen Vee said...

New York, New York a wonderful town! Glad you had such a super cool, cold, fun time.