December 2, 2008

If I Had Room For Any More Food . . .

I'd eat this baby! Because he is so sweet and delicious and his eyes are as big as saucers. And because have you ever tasted a baby's belly? To die for! This is my newest nephew "M" and I relished every second of my four days with him and his family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Relaxing. Eating. Ignoring the responsibilities of my real life. Eating some more. It was just what I needed.
Then I came home and felt a small sense of panic as I realized that I had no turkey to leftover with. In swooped the Queen Vee and Kernal Ken to my house last night with a gigantic ol' pot of this:

All I had to do was make the corn bread and chow down! And somehow my sis-in-law Audrey figured she needed a fourth Thanksgiving, so it was a total bonus because I got to spend time with many of my favorite people and eat food I didn't have to cook. Okay, really they were just sick of turkey and needed to get rid of it somehow, but I am still really, really grateful and also warm from the soup. Huge thanks familia!

The last thing I'd eat if I had ANY more room for food would be this kid right here. I mean this reindeer. Do people eat reindeer (tastes like chicken)? As soon as I started busting out the Christmas decor, my little RedDeer was at my side, antlers on, helping out. He's a champ at putting the big grins on my face. This is how he ate his lunch before school today. I love a kid who's got the holiday spirit.

Now I'm full from all this pretend eating. Hope your holiday prep is in full swing and going well. I'm up to date on the decorating, but way behind on the gift purchasing. Gotta go do that right now!

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Apis Melliflora said...

Cute baby, comforting soup, clever Christmas hat. Did RedDeer have a red nose to go with his antlers?

The Queen Vee said...

Back in the swing with Reddog dear in tow. Thanks for letting us invade you the day after your return. I owe you a packet of cornbread mix. Dinner was fun and yummy.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That little guy is so yummy looking! I always kiss my littlest ones toes, and tell him that he is a delicious snack for me! Baby tummies, toes, and cheeks are the best!
I love little reindeer too!
(That soup looks soo good, too!)

LJB said...

I'm just the opposite--up to date (maybe even ahead in some people's book) on gift purchasing and way behind on decorating! I am proud to say that all gifts are bought except one for my hubby--he's always the hardest to buy for!

Susan said...

Oh My - Your nephew is adorable!!!!

Tobi said...

Decorating is all done. But gift purchasing has fallen off track.

Love the tasty and tempting pictures!