October 8, 2008

A Loving Creator . . .

It's so easy to get caught up in the monotony of every day mommy life. For me, it's often like this: Wash a load, fold a load. Wipe a dish, scrub a toilet. Make a meal, clean the kitchen. Start it all over again the next day.

A few days ago I was involved in the hum drum of making dinner while my crazy kiddoes fought in the background. The recipe I was making involved lots of chopping of various ingredients. Chicken, celery, pecans. Chop, chop, "stop fighting!", chop, chop. Pause. I looked down and saw this most beautiful flower - in the remains of a celery heart.

And there it was. A reminder to me that God, a most loving Creator, sends beauty into my life at the most unexpected and most definitely needed times. And that the monotony is relevant. And that I'm doing His errand. And that I need to find the beauty and the joy amidst the hum drum.

And that He loves me enough to give me a flower.
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Tobi said...

Beautiful picture and sentiment. I love the idea that we are doing something important even if doesn't always feel that way.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog thanks for sharing. The picture was great and reminders like that mean so so much.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I love that! I am doing a Beth Moore Bible Study at my church and we were talking about how God's love and affection are all around us. I was so touched that I was choking up in a room of a hundred women,and didn't want to loose it! Then I saw my best friend was too! God's love just boggles the mind sometimes, but it is so AWESOME! Great post.

The Queen Vee said...

He loves us more than we can ever imagine,we are often to busy to appreciate the abundance he showers upon us. It's the hum drum of life, as we care for and serve those we love, that we become more like Christ. What a gift, during a chaotic moment, to hold still and view his creation and gift.

C and Co. said...

Thanks! I really needed that!

west wind said...

Your beautiful post is a really nice lunchtime respite on a really hectic work day. Thank you for that special pause. Reminds me too of making apple flower prints with my daughter--that beautiful star in the middle.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'm so glad that your eyes are open to the simple beauty of God's creation. I'm so glad God gives us what we need when we need it. I'm so glad you are one of the celery flowers in my life.

Kasey said...

That is really cool. I agree that He shows us in many different things how he loves us.

Jessie said...

Love that thought. You seem to be very talented at finding beauty in the simple, everyday things...as evidenced by all your creative projects.