September 22, 2008

Up For A Quickie?

A quickie project that is - I'm sure I don't know what you thought I meant!

Since the letter O has eluded me since Friday and my Halloween banner project is on hold, I had to fill my time with other frivolities this weekend. Not to worry - the Queen Vee actually had a spare O to loan me, so I will finish up that project, display it in its entirety AND post a quick tutorial for all who've requested it once said O is in my possession.

In the meantime, I did manage to conceptualize, begin and even finish a project to take my mind off that silly little letter that managed to escape the hot glue gun! Best of all, my new project was absolutely FREE to me as I used only things I already had in the house.

I've long bemoaned the pitiful pantry that came with our house. There is no changing it - its location, its size, its hideous doorknob (okay, I could change that, but then I'd have to change the other 50 knobs in the house too). I've always wanted to do something to spruce it up a bit and was inspired by my friend Emily's post on chalkboard paint. Of course my door is skinny and lame, so I couldn't really spray the door like she did. I did, however, have an old calendar holder that wasn't being used anymore -- we had to upgrade in size because our life's activities were too numerous for a regular wall calendar! So I busted out the leftover spray paint from another project, taped off, and created my own chalkboard in just three coats. The whole project took less than an hour! (shhh . . . don't tell anyone that I didn't really observe the typical spray paint drying times.)

I fastened it to the door with some of these Command hangers by 3M. If you've never used these, you should go buy some right now and find something, anything to hang! The great thing about these hangers is that you can hang them on pretty much any surface and when you want to take the hanger off, it leaves no mark. I have a pretty aged bronze one on my front door for my wreaths, I hung pictures on my tile back splash with a smaller version and now I've got a chalkboard on my pantry door thanks to Command hangers. Yeah, I pretty much heart 3M for inventing these.
Here's the finished product - I think its fun and it definitely makes me feel a little less bitter towards the tiny pantry behind the door!

Won't you share a quickie project with us today? It would really make my Monday.


Emily said...

That's a great idea for your calendar board and looks great hanging from your pantry door! Happy Monday!

C and Co. said...

I love it!!! I need to make more time to do some fun stuff. I'm logging this one away for future "make time for this" projects. Keep up the inspiration!!!

The Queen Vee said...

3M ought to give you a little moola for the free advert you posted for them. Great idea Samantha.

Tobi said...

Stupendous! I love making useless stuff into something useful!!

Is selling junk on craigslist crafty? Probably not. Let's face it. When it came to the DNA handouts you and the Queen got an extra dose of inventiveness!

Apis Melliflora said...

I've always wanted to try the chalk board spray paint. Your new door is a-door-able.

I want you to write a book called Quickie Projects, with nifty pictures, of course. I would buy it in a heartbeat.

LJB said...

Love it! Thanks for being so inspiring and motivating to the rest of us! So what do you plan on putting on the chalk board? Messages, menus....??

Shell in your Pocket said...

How cute is that! I love chalk boards! So fun! I was thinking of spray painting my door to the garage with chalkboard you think that would be good?
-Sandy Toes

The Dragonfly said...

Sandy Toes - I think a garage door would be perfect for chalk board paint! Especially if you blocked of certain areas to paint. It's so easy you'll want to paint everything in sight! Good luck.


Hil said...

Super fabulous idea! Love it!

We use the 3M hangers for our stockings at Christmas. No fireplace here in Texas... :)

jd said...

ummm.... hi. I have no words, no NOTHING that is even comparable to such an amazing "quickie" project! wow wow wow wow WOW. I did use a 3M hanger to hang up my screenprinting apron in my new classroom, does that count? And there is a cool chalkboard ink out there that makes any shirt a chalkboard; if I can ever get my hands on some, I'm gonna make me a shirt and write "I wish I were Sam" on it. Because I DO.

To quote the Windy City band... You're the Inspiraaation...

i heart you more than i heart 3M.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I also use those sticky things! They can hang anything...Love the chalkboard-that is so needed at my house!!
Please list more simple projects-that's up my alley. (Little time, little effort-very cool...)