September 26, 2008

A Little Weekend Inspiration . . .

In my dreams this is a picture of my front door, dressed in its Halloween finest. Then I wake up and remember that it's actually my friend Marci's front door awaiting Autumn's visitors in bright and cheery colors. As this picture indicates, Marci's home is one that I love to visit - I always come away feeling happy for her friendship and inspired by her creativity. I hope this picture will inspire you as much as it did me.

I hope to have all my "Fall Decor" (who are we kidding - it's Halloween Decor for me) out and photographed this weekend to post about on Monday. Happy Weekend! (I'm taking weekends off from blogging to be with my little fam!)
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Apis Melliflora said...

Is Marci's last name Stewart? Because this shot looks like it's right out of a magazine. I'm inspired to go help with the harvest, right now! Exquisite Marci!

Can't wait to see the Dragonfly's Halloweeny front door.

Tobi said...

Does everyone in the universe have a Texas star except me? Marci has two for the love of Texas!!!

BTW- I do love her front door.

The Dragonfly said...

Tobi - Out here we refer to those as Barn Stars and I have three or four myself. The Queen has even more than that! You need one, especially since you're living in the BIG state!

Joy said...

Okay, I liked my front porch until I saw this picture. It's wonderful!

Your Spooky banner is so cute and what a great way to put a chalkboard on your pantry door. You are one very clever lady!

Speaking of clever...I love your suggestion for my thrift store chair. I wish I could have it covered in linen but I live with four males and it wouldn't stay pretty for very long. But I think I'm going to use the sharpie idea!
Thanks so much for the great inspiration!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Well, now I know what to do with all m pumpkins from our garden!! LOVE that picture!!

The Queen Vee said...

Marci has the talent and moola to pull this off. Her front porch looks like it' ready for the local spooks to come a calling.

Tobi said...

Ahh Sammy I could use some Monday morning sunshine. Do you have any to spare? Pretty please?

The Carlsons said...

My first thought was magazine cover inspiration but not at all surprised it's Marci's! She rocks!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Is Marci that one that reminds you of me? Please let it be so...
I so want that door in my future.