September 30, 2008

On Being Thoughtful . . .

An older woman from my church gave me these two sweet bouquets of daisies today. She is a knowledgeable gardener and I've always admired her yard as I visit with her each month for our church's visiting teaching program. Though my visit today was to assess her needs and share a spiritual message, she was the one who unknowingly met my unspoken needs and gave my spirit a little lift with her thoughtful gift. Of this I am sure -- God works through others to bless and comfort us. In turn, we need to be receptive to his promptings so that we can bless the lives of others. I'm really trying to work on having a more thoughtful nature in regards to others.

If you look closely in the background of this second picture, just there behind the pink daisies at the top, you can see my project from the weekend.

After five years, I finally ordered and installed the rest of our bamboo blinds in the kitchen and dining nook. Now our neighbors won't be able to peep anymore, RedDog won't have to cover his eyes from the sun at dinner time, and I feel like there is a more finished look to that part of the house. My goal was to have them all hung before the Hubby got home from work on Friday, but he did help me hang the last two (of five). What do you think?


C and Co. said...

Love the blinds! I love home improvement projects. Keep posting the pictures. You always inspire me in one way or another.

P.S. The daisies are beautiful!

Lynne said...

Sam, yay!!!! I'm your 20 thousandth visitor! Yay Me! Yours is my favorite blog. Really, I love the ideas, inspiration, cheer. Thanks for sharing! The blinds look great. I want to hang some like that in my bathroom, but I'm not sure how they would look. I think that after looking at yours I could make them work. Thanks!

Kasey said...

You've inspired me to be a better visiting teacher. I have no excuse my sister lives down the road from me!!!
I like your arrangements of sticks in your vase. Very cute.

Tobi said...

Your house is beautiful. The blinds look great.

It's always nice to get flowers. They can't help but cheer a girl up.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

So I'm inspired by your blinds after being in your house. I don't know if you noticed but the front room has had a recent addition of bamboo blinds. I have two other windows that still need them and I'm afraid it's going to be awhile before that happens, both are odd-shaped and need special ordering... That's going to take a minute and some saving.

I love daisies. I want to grow them. I'll likely kill them.

Apis Melliflora said...

The Hubby gets a gold star for helping you put up blinds. You get a gold star for having such spot-on decorating taste. And your church friend gets a gold star for giving you daisies.

I know you are thoughtful. I seem to recall you making a gorgeous vase full of flowers for a friend in the spring. You could have kept them for yourself, but you didn't.

Lori Gerten said...

Come to South St. Paul and decorate my house. I'm so ghetto when I look at your decor!!!!!

Odd Chick said...

you have an incredibly beautiful and peaceful decor for your kitchen. thanks for sharing it, and i also was inspired by your friend's holiday door.

The Queen Vee said...

Daisies are the happy flower, they just make you smile when you see them.

The blinds look great and none too soon as we don't want a blind Red Dog.