August 30, 2008

Sorry I'm So Tardy . . .

I totally missed a really great party I was invited to by five days! It was an online party over at Joys Of Home, one of my very favorite blogs to peruse. The party was a "Paint Outside the (black) Box" theme to help Joy overcome her addiction to black spray paint. I love me some spray paint and it doesn't have to be black! It's like a little happiness in a can that transforms the blah, neglected and truly hideous into something FABULOUS! What's not to love? Now that the rain has finally stopped here and we're back to completely hot, humid and miserable, I tackled my project and thought I'd share the results with you.

This is the only before picture I took. It doesn't look so bad. If you live in the Alps. And are a little girl named Heidi. Fortunately, this hardware did not survive the transformation.

I have a certain little girl, whose name starts with an H, but isn't Heidi, who loves to draw. She needed a writing surface in her room so she could shut herself away from her brothers and create works of art beyond her imagination. So, when I saw this neglected wood piece at a garage sale for $5, I thought I could make something out of it. With a little "Sea Glass" from my local hardware store, a nifty spray nozzle to add the can, some glass hardware from the Target and a little elbow grease, I think I've helped this desk realize it's true potential. The only thing it needs now is a piece of glass cut to size to cover up the laminate top so my artist can slide her favorite drawings and pictures underneath for display.

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Tobi said...

Five dollars?!! And you totally made it awesome! GREAT WORK!

Joy said...

Don't you just love that sea glass color? Your daughter's desk looks beautiful! What a perfect piece of furniture to inspire the budding artist. I like the idea of putting glass on top to showcase her art.
I'm so glad you joined in. And your tardiness is excused. ;~)

The Queen Vee said...

Darling, I know Hannah was excited about that transformation. I think you could paint the chair to match.

Unknown said...

I love the look of the desk. I know your daughter will be proud of it for a long time!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Feeling the inspiration seep through the computer screen.....

Looks so awesome.

I have so many painting projects piling up it's gotten out of control. Ok.. the pile up of projects in general is out of control. I think I need a nap.

kari and kijsa said...

Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Have a wonderful Labor Day,
kari & kijsa

jd said...

ummm... I had that EXACT SAME DESK, it kinda freaked me out when I saw the photo of the handle/hardware-- blast from the past! Now I wish I'd KEPT mine, and had you refinish it for me!! You are my design inspiration, I am ALWAYS impressed by what you do!

The only thing more inspiring is the movie Rudy. I'm watching it right now. And imagining the emotional theme music pumping you along as you paint and create.

Apis Melliflora said...

Ah, the power of paint and fancy Target knobs. This transfo makes my little girl heart beat a bit faster!

What's next dynamic decorator?!

The Carlsons said...

The desk turned out super fab! I'm sure Hannah loves it and is very appreciative that you found a way to put green in her room. What a lucky girl!

Thanks for helping me in the transformation of Sam's room, now I need to get some black spray paint to keep things going....

Three cheers for spray paint!