August 30, 2008

The Alien Eye . . .

Since I couldn't get a picture of Big C with his teacher yesterday due to the uncoolness of it all, I convinced him we could take a cool picture of his whacked out pupils. He said coloring the picture green and call it his "Alien Eye" would make it even better.

Ta-da. I'm a cool mom - but only for the amount of time it takes to post this.

(Eye Update: Visited the opthamologist yesterday. He freed us from eye drop purgatory and we're now down to only four times a day. No glasses at school next week either - I guess he's really not "to cool for school". Thanks for all your well wishes. Big C loved reading them.)
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1 comment:

The Queen Vee said...

Spooky eye Chris but I'm so happy you don't have to have those drops every half hour anymore. I know, you're even happier. You were super last week not even complaining once, I proud of you buddy.