July 10, 2008

The Next Big Thing . . .

We just finished a nine day visit from the Anderson Family of the much loved Anderson Zoo fame. The highlights included:

  • Blueberry picking at Bob's Produce and Blueberry Buckle by Shar
  • Great food (cooked by me, but I'm not bragging)
  • Late night chats every single night
  • Girls night out to dinner and watching a fabulous movie (Mom, Audrey, Shar, Sam)
  • All Star Baseball
  • Swimming at Audrey & Chris' pool
  • Water Games
  • Pedicures
  • Shopping at the Outlets
  • Air & Space Museum
  • Tour of DC Monuments by my dad
  • Crime and Punishment Museum
  • Chick Flicks
  • Blog Stalking with Shar (so much more fun with someone else who loves to blog!)
  • Awesome 4th of July and great fireworks
  • Dinner with Amy & Eric Carlson (Shar's sis-in-law)
  • Dinner at my parents
  • Kid Crafts

It was so fun for me to spend time with one of my oldest friends. To see her strength as she manages alone while her husband is deployed in Iraq. To realize she is still just as hilarious as ever. To have one of my long lost sisters around. To put it simply, we had a blast. And now I am tired. Very, very tired.

It's too bad I'm pooped because whether I like it or not, I'm getting on a plane tomorrow to go to the next big thing - the Hubby's family reunion out in smokin' hot Phoenix, AZ. I feel like so far this summer has been a sprint from one big thing to the next - which has been a blight on my bloggy life (sorry for the random lame posts) - but in a good way.

In case you don't know what I mean, let me remind you: Three days of joyful sleeping-in-playing-all-day-with-kids-summer and then BOOM! Girl's Camp. One day to recover and BOOM! Grandpa's Funeral. No day to recover and BOOM! Anderson's visit. One day to recover and BOOM! Leave for Family Reunion. I don't think I've been to bed before 12:30 since before Girl's Camp. And that doesn't bode well for a girl who needs her eight hours of "princess sleep" each night.

I have loved and treasured each of the big events listed above, but each has required a lot from me emotionally. When morning rolls around I can barely lift a hand to wave goodbye to the Hubby as he skips off to work and my head pounds and I want to lay in bed in my jammies all day long. I'm sure I can do that some day, but not tomorrow, because tomorrow is the next big thing. And yeah, I'm gonna do it.

(Enjoy pictures from the visit)


The Queen Vee said...

I don't know why the pictures are sideways but if you click on them you can view all of them in the larger format.

Great pictures, great color, great family, great friends, great fun, great food, great time, great baseball, great 4th, great kids, great husband.....Samantha you are one great mom, wife, friend and daughter!

When you look back on the Summer of 2008 I think you'll find that it will be the all time great summer of your life.

Somewhere in the future you will have time to sleep but if you do so now you'll miss all the action.

Have a GREAT reunion with the Lee clan, maybe Mona will watch the kids so that you can get a little more sleep. I love ya

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

It was lovely, you were a great hostess and I'm totally exhausted having done all my big things in a row with two more to come... but I think the Queen is right. I scheduled this summer like this for a reason and I think I'd be miserable if I were sitting at home bored. Good thing I'm too tired for that nonsense.
My kids are asking when we get to come out and see you again. They clearly are ready for more fun and destruction. (And I used to think my kids weren't destructive... HA)
Thanks again - there will hopefully be good mail for you when you get home or soon thereafter.

Hil said...

Looks like a party! We loved the slideshow. :)

When we cleaned out my parents shed, I came accross a photo album of our trip to DC when I was 12. It had pictures from the Air and Space Smithsonian Museum. Cara said, "Hey mom! Those planes look familiar..." Funny, huh?

My 'big things' are all finished. Now we are making good use of our summer pool passes! I hope you get to relax soon. :)

Tobi said...

Thank you so much for posting about your visit with the Anderson clan. Looks like you all had so much fun!! I love all the pictures too.

Julie said...

Now I am the one who is jealous of your fun visit with Shar. It looks like you guys had a great time.

Jodie said...

What a fun summer and great memories!

Crazy Granny said...

Dearest cute girl. Sleep is highly over rated. Thanks for the cute pics. I too love Hughe. Or is
it, I too love you. Well, it works either way.

Lori Gerten said...

You can't beat a good friendship that has lasted throughout many years.

WHat a great time you guys had!