June 10, 2008

There's Good News . . . And Then There's Really Good News

Thought I'd share this recent picture of my dad and I. It was taken this past Sunday. I think he looks fabulous -- especially with the flag as a back drop! He's a little on the skinny side, but my mom is working on that.

If you've ever had a loved one with cancer, you know that you live for little pieces of good news here and there along the way. Our first bit of post-treatment good news came several weeks ago when my dad had his first PET scan following treatment. The scan was clear, but for a tiny spot on the side of his neck where the lymph node had grown so rapidly. The next bit of good news came when the doctors scoped his throat and found NO TRACE of the original tumor at the base of his tongue. Next our family prepared for his neck surgery, which occurred yesterday.

This surgery could have been not only lengthy and dangerous, but also possibly very debilitating for my dad. Instead, we received even more good news as many different elements fell into place almost perfectly yesterday and the surgery was a best case scenario for my dad and his doctors. All of the affected lymph nodes seemed to raise their hands and say "Take me, nice doctor" instead of hiding and forcing the doctors to search for them. He will NOT lose feeling or movement in his neck. Instead of a several day hospital stay, my dad gets to come home TODAY!!

We are all so thrilled with this outcome. It would be complete madness to not recognize the tender mercies given to us during this time. I truly believe the Lord has worked a miracle for us, for my dad. It has only reaffirmed for me that He loves us, each indivually, my dad included and that He has heard my pleas, and all the pleas of others, that our dad might be able to remain with us and live a healthy life. Today is just a good day. I feel very happy and oh so blessed. Thank you to you all for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf.
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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Oh I am SO GLAD. My dad was asking me last night how he was doing and I told him that I thought he was in surgery yesterday, but I didn't know other then that. I was hoping to find out this morning - I just rolled out of bed to this!! YIPPEEE.

The seasons are finally coming around I think. ☺

Lori Gerten said...

Sam that is the best news! I thought about you all thisyesterday and today. I'm thankful that such wonderfulness has come out of this situation.


Crazy Granny said...

You two are so cute together. There's no relationship sweeter, then that of a Father and daughter.

Matt said...

Amen to all that was stated in this post.

Tobi said...

Hurray!! I love good news! I'm glad that everything went smoothly for your Dad.

Hil said...

That's great, great news. ☺

Give him a hug for me!

squeezeme said...

I LOVE it when prayers are answered the way we want! We are so grateful for this fantastic news and feel like this calls for celebrations!

Kernal Ken said...

I wanted to stop by the Staples Store on the way home from the hospital today and ask them if they need a spokesperson or mascot.

I've got a bunch of staples from behind my right ear to below my right chin line. Looks like something from a Frankenstein movie.

But, as Sam reports, all the news is good and all I have to do now is recover once again. I'm getting good at that.

Many heartfelt thanks to all of you in blog world who have offered good wishes and prayers on my behalf. Looking up at the surgical lights, I could feel your prayers joining mine. Powerful stuff!

I love you all.

Shannon said...

Yea for miracles! I'm so glad you entered the giveaway so I could come on over here and read. I was so happy to see your fave book was The Hiding Place!! I talk about Corrie Ten Boom all the time and my husband has never heard of her! I couldn't believe it. But I did go to a private school where we had to read it. :) I've never really met anyone else who has read it. It really made my day if you can't tell!

Anonymous said...

Terrific news Sam. Very happy for your dad and for you. At first I did not even recognize him, not until you said it was your dad!

I personally think the thinner look suits him well. Your mom will beef him up a bit too.