June 20, 2008

Summer Fun - Day Two: Poked and Prodded

Today we had to put aside some of our fun and take the RedDog to his Kindergarten check-up with the doctor. He charmed both her and the nurse with his witty remarks and cute smiles. They asked him lots of questions, like how to get out of his house if there is a fire and what he should do if he a stranger tries to talk to him. I was glad he knew the answers - I feel like I passed the test too!

He braved the "arm hug" (above), lots of looking in and at things and a finger prick that would have made the big kids at our house cry. RedDog was really just interested in what kind of band-aid he would get afterwards. Lucky for us, he was up to date on all his shots.

I'm happy to say he is tall, skinny and healthy. And he was willing to pose like this for the doctor when she said she had come in to check out all his big muscles. Niiiicccce!

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kari and kijsa said...

What a strong little guy!!

kari & kijsa

The Queen Vee said...
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The Queen Vee said...

I love you RedDog, you are my Knight in shining armor. It's so great that you were so strong and brave and the doctors today. It's for sure you are ready for kindergarten.

Tobi said...

Nice muscles RedDog! It's so wonderful that you are healthy and strong and ready to take on Kindergarten.

Lori Gerten said...

Cute guy!

They really ask you those things???
I would not pass that test. Thanks to you I have a heads up!