May 21, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Dear Friend!

So sorry! I can't believe I forgot your birthday dear friend!

For exactly ONE YEAR and nine days, you have let me babble on and on without complaining. I've talked about my kids, my parents, my yard, my food, my Hubby, my friends, my crazy life and all its ups and downs, and you've stuck around like a true and patient friend. You've helped me to understand things more clearly and you've helped me to work through some tough emotional issues, like job loss and cancer.

You have encouraged my creativity and helped me to remember many of the really great things about my life. You've stretched my imagination and asked me to give just a little bit more of myself. You've helped me reconnect with old friends whom I've missed for many years and introduced me to new and amazing people I never imagined I'd meet. You've helped me to laugh and you've seen me shed many tears.

Sometimes I've neglected you, but no matter how long it's been between our visits, you are always waiting for me to spend some time with you. So Happy Belated Birthday Blog! One hundred and eighty-eight posts and 10,746 visitors later and we're still going strong! Love ya, buddy.


Tobi said...

Clever Sam! I love your blog and your superb writing style. Keeping blogging on Super Woman!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Happy Birthday Dragon Fly!

Matt said...

Your are a strange sister at times, but that is one of the many reasons I love you and your crazy blog.

The Queen Vee said...

It's wonderful to view your speck of the world through your eyes, keep blogging.