April 11, 2008

This One's For Billly . . .

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One of the things I love about having a blog is that every once and a while I get to shamelessly plug something I believe in! If you don't like it - don't read it. But really, do read it, because it's about my sister-in-law Audrey, who I love and adore!

Her nickname has been Billy for as long as I can remember . . . I think Chris used to call her "Silly Billy" all the time and it just got shortened to Billy. For whatever reason, it stuck, and it fits her.

Now to the shameless plug part. Audrey agreed to do the Avon Walk with me in support of our dad. She was hesitant, mostly because raising $1800 to be able to participate is no easy task. Now we are only three weeks away from our walk and Audrey is just shy of that fundraising goal.

As we've been training this past month, I have enjoyed my time walking with Audrey so much. We just chat and laugh and never run out of things to say to eachother. She is a real friend. I want her to be with me on May 3 and 4 - I want to go 39.3 miles with her by my side!

So, please, please - if you have a second in your day, won't you click here and donate to Audrey's walk? Your donation will fund mamograms for underprivileged women and cancer research. It is a worthy cause, and one that will help not only those with breast cancer, but all cancer victims - including my dad. Thanks! (love you, Billy)

1 comment:

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Way to stump Sam. Audrey rates any promotion anyone can ever give her. She rocks! Chris picked a winner.