It's that fabulous time of year again when I surrender all my will power, break down in tears of joy, do a weird little happy dance and parade around the tiny purple and green boxes that just arrived on my doorstep courtesy of little Natalie from Troop 383.
Yep. The Girl Scout Cookies are here. (You know you just felt a little flutter in your heart.)
In our house, only two cookies make the cut each year -- Thin Mints and Samoas. To those of you who are going to try, don't talk to me about Tag Alongs and Do-Si-Dos. We cannot be swayed. The purple and green boxes are the only ones we ever get. Period. (There is a reason why they are the ONLY two made into an ice cream each year by Dreyers/Edy's.)
This year we tried to go "light", only ordering four boxes of Samoas and two boxes of Thin Mints. I'm already regretting that decision.

Each night after dinner - and man, how they're cleaning off their plates - my kids line up in front of me and say the magic words, "Mom, I'm done. Can I have my Samoa now?" I then watch them devour an individual cookie in two seconds flat, like a starving kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet. It's sad for me that they don't take the time to enjoy the cookie! Don't they know that only fifteen cookies come in a box? We only have 60 samoas total! And at $3.50 a box, I should be charging each kid 25 cents per cookie-that-only-comes-round-once-a-year! Please help me understand how it is that someone hasn't found a way to knock off the Samoa yet?

Yep. The Girl Scout Cookies are here. (You know you just felt a little flutter in your heart.)
In our house, only two cookies make the cut each year -- Thin Mints and Samoas. To those of you who are going to try, don't talk to me about Tag Alongs and Do-Si-Dos. We cannot be swayed. The purple and green boxes are the only ones we ever get. Period. (There is a reason why they are the ONLY two made into an ice cream each year by Dreyers/Edy's.)
This year we tried to go "light", only ordering four boxes of Samoas and two boxes of Thin Mints. I'm already regretting that decision.
Each night after dinner - and man, how they're cleaning off their plates - my kids line up in front of me and say the magic words, "Mom, I'm done. Can I have my Samoa now?" I then watch them devour an individual cookie in two seconds flat, like a starving kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet. It's sad for me that they don't take the time to enjoy the cookie! Don't they know that only fifteen cookies come in a box? We only have 60 samoas total! And at $3.50 a box, I should be charging each kid 25 cents per cookie-that-only-comes-round-once-a-year! Please help me understand how it is that someone hasn't found a way to knock off the Samoa yet?
The Thin Mints are what we eat when the Samoas are all gone. Their crispy, chocolatey, minty goodness is unparalled in any other cookie, except possibly the Mint Jo Jo from Trader Joes. The trouble with Thin Mint is, that with 36 in a box and 4 cookies equaling the calories and fat of just TWO Samoas, one can get carried away very quickly - eating almost a fourth of a box in one sitting. (When I say "one" I don't mean me - I would never . . .)
So, I'm leaving for Denver this Friday to visit my brother Matt and awesome sis-in-law Mindy. Unfortunately my mind is very unsettled about leaving the cookies. Should I hide them? Should I pack them in my suitcase? Should I eat an entire box of Samoas by myself just in case there are none left when I get home? The Hubby and kiddoes have proven themselves to be lacking in judgement when it comes to the purple and green boxes - I've got to have a plan! Suggestions are welcome.
Until then, I'd better go have an after breakfast Samoa. Cheers!
So, I'm leaving for Denver this Friday to visit my brother Matt and awesome sis-in-law Mindy. Unfortunately my mind is very unsettled about leaving the cookies. Should I hide them? Should I pack them in my suitcase? Should I eat an entire box of Samoas by myself just in case there are none left when I get home? The Hubby and kiddoes have proven themselves to be lacking in judgement when it comes to the purple and green boxes - I've got to have a plan! Suggestions are welcome.
Until then, I'd better go have an after breakfast Samoa. Cheers!
I love Samoas! You absolutely have to take a box with you on your trip---for a snack of course.
Okay, first of all am I not awesome?! Based on your post it appears that my wife is and I'm not. I'm so offended!
Second, you should pack the cookies in your suitcase, especially if you want to get in your brother's good graces again.
I am easily swayed by the delicious chocolate, coconut, carmel combination of the Samoa.
We says take the precious with you. Precious can't be left alone. No precious...
Oh silly Matt, I just assumed that it's implied that you are awesome. And get over it - I've decided to leave the cookies in a secret place here at the house. :)
If Girl Scout cookie ice-cream is your standard then you should know they do make a Tag-Along flavor and had for years. My true chocolate peanut butter loving tushie can tell you that for a fact. You're missing out!
The ice cream isn't my standard, but I stand corrected on the tagalong flavor - didn't know about it. My standard is what tastes the best and is the most original to me. I've never been a huge pb and chocolate lover, and feel it's been done enough, so tagalongs will remain on the sidelines. Sorry!
Samoas are very good but way over priced for the amount that you get in the box. Thin mints and Tagalongs are yummy for my money. This year though I don't think I'll be eating any so you can all have my share and my calories.
Somoas are the absolute best Girl Scout cookie!! BUT, don't let down the love for PB & Chocolate!! How can you resist?
Matt, darling, of course I'm the awesome one. Was there ever any doubt?
We should be getting our supply of cookies any day now. And I don't like samoas (does that make me less awesome?) so you can have my share! My cookie loving is of the thin and minty variety, although this year I'm trying out the lemon ones.
Definitely my two favorite as well! There could very well be a war in my house over who ate the last Thin Mint but they all turn up their noses at the Samoas. Not coconut fans... oh, well, more for me!
Can I just tell you that Lucy is a girl scout exclusively for full unfettered access to cookies???? I think I bought $70 ish worth (or some obscene amount)...if you run out, I'll send you some.
I bought a ton for hubby thinking I'd get them before he left... well that plan went haywire (as all my plans have) so now they'll all be sitting in my kitchen. This is not good news for my hips. I tried the lemon ones too this year - I'm anxiously awaiting the verdict.
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