February 3, 2008

The Last Supper

We spent tonight at my parents house, having "The Last Supper" with my dad before he begins his treatment tomorrow morning. My mom made dad's favorite dinner - pot roast (the real deal, in a pot in the oven, not a crock pot) and Yorkshire pudding. It was delicious. Then again, everything my mom cooks is.

There was no where else I'd rather be tonight than with my mom and dad. I just wanted to hug them and hold their hands and not go home. I'm sure they found it a bit odd and maybe even annoying. I just kept thinking about how tomorrow will change everything.

If I could go tomorrow and have the radiation and chemo for my dad, I would do it. And then I'd go back the next day and do it again. But I can't. So instead, I will spend some time on my knees praying that it will be easier for him than he expects. And I will wake up tomorrow and at some point during the morning, I'm going to shout out loud, "Take that you stupid cancer! We're coming to get you and we're going to kick your butt!" (When all the kids are at school of course, because stupid and butt are very bad words here.)

I used my cool new tripod (early b-day gift from Audrey) and snapped this picture during a Superbowl commercial tonight. This happy moment will be frozen in time for me for years to come - the night before my dad went to war in the biggest battle yet. Go get em' dad! You're gonna win this one!
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Sue said...

As soon as I read your title and saw the picture I got goose bumps. Today is the first day of the rest of your Dad's life. And it's gonna be a long one.

We're saying lots of prayers for all of you. Love ya!

chelsea said...

thinking of you guys today!! ♥

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I love your dad's smile. It'll be all good. And the fact that your mom can cook Yorkshire puddings pretty much rocks.

Tobi said...

You always have the best pictures. Thanks for sharing about your love for your Dad with all of us. We'll be praying for you until this cancer is taken down!!

Matt said...

While I enjoyed the post, I don't like the title. I don't need to go into the reasons it disturbs me, needless to say Dad will win this fight against cancer .