February 4, 2008

A Birthday Wish (Just Indulge Me)

Our ages have changed.
Our bodies have changed.
Our hair colors and styles have changed.
Our addresses have changed.
Our church jobs have changed.
Our financial situations have changed.

But over the past 14 years a few things have stayed the same:

We're both still married to the greatest guys on earth.
We're both still active in the Gospel.
We're both still best friends.

Happy Birthday my long distance confindante. One day we'll be closer - but only in distance! I love you!
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squeezeme said...

I've been BLOGGED!! Of course I'll induge, it's about me! I truly am honored by your thoughtful, thoughtful message. You put into words so well our years together and I am constantly lifted and blessed by our kindred connection. Thirteen years and you continue to inspire me to stretch to become my best self. I LOVE YOU SAM!

My birthday report, as I type this one handed while nursing.....Anthon has RSV, so in between breathing treatments with the nebulizer...I have had a lovely day. I did not have to leave the house....not even to drive my assigned carpool. My visiting teacher showed up with two ladies carrying homemade soup and any apple pie. Then during a late afternoon nap for Anthon I played in the snow for 2 hours with George, Grace, Emme and a few neighbor kids, building snow forts in the thigh snow! Matt came home a bit early bringing sushi...It was truly a dreamy day.

How is that for the longest post EVER! I love you and look forward to sending you your birthday wishes in 4 days!

Tobi said...

Happy Birthday Sam! I hope your having a wonderful day of pampering!