February 28, 2008

And The Winner Is . . .

It's an exciting day here at Compound Eye! I've won an award for a blog post! Thank you, thank you very much. Oh stop clapping now - I'm no David Archuleta (read to the end to understand).

Okay, so the award was totally given in the spirit of nepotism, by my brother Matt over at The Digital Architect. He probably gave it to me because I whined a little bit, while in Denver, about how I so badly wanted to win a Bloggie. And it was given for a post that was only funny to him, because it was about him, contained pictures of him, and pretty much praised him to the stars. But it's still an award and I'm gonna go with that!

For you fellow bloggers out there, here is some seasoned advice from a current Bloggie winner (just think how much better that would sound if it said "three-time Bloggie winner" - hint, hint): Kiss up to Matt Carlson in your blog - mention that you love him and that he is great at something -- I think this will seriously increase your chances of becoming a winner.

And now, indulge me while I quickly mention some real winners. I don't know if any of you watch American Idol, but now would be a great time to start. Two of the stand-outs this year are super talented and MORMON!

I've got to give it up for Brooke White whose earthy, folksy voice is so different from all the other pop-tart wannabes competing this year and is very refreshing to listen to. And she has dressed so stylishly while managing to wear twice as much clothing as the other girls and leaving something to the imagination. Fashionable modesty is possible! You can hear her rendition of Carly Simon's "Your So Vain" from last night's show here.

But the front runner this year in my mind is 17 year-old David Archuleta. If you put the voice of an angel on a super cute teenager and then gave him a really genuine and likable personality, you would end up with this kid. When he sang John Lennon's "Imagine" on this week's show, I was left in tears. This guy packs each performance with emotion and soul. It is a real pleasure to watch him perform, and when he's done, you feel like standing up to scream and clap like the fans in the studio are doing - for a very long time. If you do nothing else today, click here and be moved by this boy's voice.


Emily said...

Congratulations on the reward! OK, David Archulleta sang at one of our ward activities (he is friends with a girl in our ward). He made the hairs on my arm stand up. I was completely captivated by him. Seeing him on TV doesn't even do him justice.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Congrats on the award! It was well deserved if not out right nepotism, but then... when it's his award - it's all good!! You deserve it regardless for your tireless devotion to the blogging community.

Speaking of, I'd like to thank both of you for posting videos of the singers so that T can watch them. I've been telling him about them but since he can't watch TV over there you've made it super easy for him to get a sneak peek! Thanks!!

And, I gotta know if you agree with me about Chris getting totally ripped off on PR!

Hil said...

So funny that I just read about him on another friend's blog. Not much time for tv these days and no cable/tivo but maybe I'll make time for American Idol this season! What a great voice and a cutie too!

The Dragonfly said...

Shar, I've Tivoed Project Runway, so now that you've totally let the cat out of the bag, I'll have to go watch. :)

I usually save that for late Friday or Saturday night when the kids are in bed and I can go watch to check out the amazing fashion while Travis goes on and on about how "gay" the show is. He doesn't enjoy Tim Gunn, but I find him completely enjoyable. You?

Matt said...

Maybe if more people would come and visit the Denver Carlsons they too will win a bloggie. (-;

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Sorry Sam. I should have waited at least a day before complaining - but I'm irritated and I'm going out of town tomorrow.

And yes, Tim rocks. I think he'd have given Chris the third slot. But the judges were clearly looking for something a little more marketable and a little less edgy.

So Matt - blowing through Colorado, waking you up and then blowing you off does not earn one a Bloggie? I'm so surprised! I guess it would earn one a different award.

Tobi said...

Congrats on your bloggie award. Thanks for your wonderfully sweet comment on my blog. It's always nice to hear someone else thinks you are neat.

Two songs come to mind when I think of you.
1. I am like a Star from the Children's Songbook
2. Storm by Lifehouse

Jodie said...

Please tell me the great thrift shopping spots in Denver!!! There's not much here in CS and so for fun shopping, we head up to Denver. So glad you had a great time.