September 12, 2007

Just. Keep. Working.

When I signed up for this job titled Chief Operating Officer of Household and Parenting affairs, I didn't realize there were no days off. Today, I need a day off.

It is day two of a seriously paralyzing head cold. My noggin feels about as heavy as a bowling ball, and where the little holes are for the fingers, well, that would be my nostrils dripping full force all day. My nose is red and tender from the wiping due to the dripping. My throat is raspy and raw. My temples are achy. My eyes are watery. My ears are clogged and I feel like I'm hearing everything through a tunnel or under water. I sneeze frequently and it leaves my entire body ringing. I just want to go and sleep somewhere for a very, very long time.

But, in this job there are no days off. Instead I shuttle kids to and from to school and lessons, I fix food and do laundry. I check homework and listen patiently to kids reading. I wait for the moment the Hubby comes home to rescue me. Until then, all I have to do is just.keep.working.

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

I tell ya, it's that darn fine print of those job contracts! So sorry to hear you've been sick! Many, like myself, have discovered fall allergies. UGH! But lovin' this weather!!! Makes it hard to want to head inside to cook dinner.