June 14, 2007

This Is What Keeps Me Going . . .

Just wanted to add this most recent picture (Thanks Audrey & Chris) of my family at the beach. These four people are what keep me going each day.

In all truth, I really wouldn't get out of bed in the morning if it weren't for them - and I mean that literally and figuratively. They keep me on my toes, they keep me in stitches from laughing, they keep me up at night with worry, they keep me up to my eyeballs in laundry, they keep me humble and grounded, they keep me up on a pedestal which I do not deserve.

I know for some women being a wife and a mother just isn't enough. But for me, this is all I've ever wanted, and it is all I'll ever need. They keep me going.

1 comment:

squeezeme said...

Wow, you have just introduced me to the world of blogs. I must say I have just spent time reviewing your last month and realize that even through our frequent phone calls I do not get the detail which your written insights and pictures give. I feel much more connected with you, yet I can not promise you the same gift in return. You know me too well for that. Love you!