June 11, 2007

Suffering From PRLD . . .

That's Post Recital Letdown Disorder for those of you who don't know. It's one of those times when you build something up to be huge - and it is huge - but then afterwards you are left wallowing in this state of exhaustion and weirdness. Weird because now you don't have to practice two hours a day, and because the nerves are all gone.

The recital went very well. Chris and Hannah each played their two songs without any mistakes. Hannah was super cute with her hair all curled and in a dainty white dress. Chris was macho and cool, as usual. Soren was a holy terror, but I'm going to refrain speaking about it any further because it is his birthday tomorrow. :)

My first song, Ocean View, was just lovely, as planned. The second song (harder, longer, trickier) went okay. I made two mistakes, but was able to fudge my way through them well enough. I had several people come up afterwards and tell me how amazed they were that I would do this and how inspiring it was. I just laughed - especially when two teenage girls both played songs MUCH MORE DIFFICULT than me. Anyway, I totally noshed on the yummy refreshments after it was all done, riding that "recital high" . . . I swear there was some major adrenaline pumping through me.

Now it's Monday, and I don't want to do anything, but I have SO MUCH to do. Soren's birthday is tomorrow and I still need to get out and do some final shopping - which has been near impossible, because he is with me all the time now. Travis' business trip has been extended, which means he won't be here tomorrow. I am very sad about it, but have to press on and not dwell on it. I just want the RedDog to feel special.

Laundry is going, Father's Day gifts are being made, it's the last week of softball and piano, and the last full week of school. Got to get my summer plan into place. And, the dreaded albatross around my neck right now is that there is still a huge pile of stone in front of my house just waiting to be made into a wall along the side of our garage (see picture above). The "supermom" half of me wants to have it done before Travis gets back so he doesn't have to do it. The exhausted half of me is just thinking there is NO WAY IN HADES!

Tomorrow's blog (if I haven't dropped a rock on my hand) will tell which half of me won out.

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