May 14, 2007

Slow this train down . . .

Last week was crazy! Let's see if I can sum it up in just a few lines: diagnosed with shingles, field trip to farm with 20 three year-olds, two phonecalls from school teachers (not good) two baseball games, two softball games, three piano lessons, one brother diagnosed with brain tumor, one grandpa diagnosed with bladder cancer, one aunt in car accident, one aunt scheduled for open heart surgery, one wedding, one birthday party, and the culminating event - Mother's Day. PHEW. I'm tired. So, to borrow a quote from Grey's Anatomy, I want to get off this train! The reality though, is that I can't get off, because this is MY train, so I am just hoping that this week, maybe if I'm lucky, the train will slow down just a little bit.

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