May 31, 2007

Milestones . . .

Today my littlest guy Soren, affectionately known around these parts as RedDog, graduated from his first year of preschool. He was a dapper little fellow in his new yellow button down polo with his strawberry hair and smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose.

He bravely stood, with all the other little knee-high classmates, and recited nursery rhymes (Jack Be Nimble), sang songs (I'm a Little Tea Pot) and counted up to ten and back down again. He even got a little diploma. I was proud of him.

Of course, I had to giggle when I picked up his end of year teacher evaluation and read that he doesn't know enough of his alphabet, can't identify all the shapes, doesn't hold his pencil correctly and doesn't know any sight words. What an ignoramus . . . NOT!!! I just can't be worried that my preschooler is "behind" the learning curve when I know he isn't. He has another year of Preschool ahead of him and he is a bright boy. Still, we will be going over the alphabet this summer!

On the way home he asked me, "Momma, when you were little like me, what did you do in Preschool?" I couldn't remember back that far if I tried. So I told him we did art and sang songs, just like him. He was glad to know that we had that in common.

So - two milestones today - my son finished his first year of preschool, and I have officially forgotten any years of preschool. :)

PS. Haven't forgotten Beach Top Ten . . . still processing.

1 comment:

Aiketa said...

Love this old pic of you and RedRog!!! He is so little!!!
I was thinking of my preschool year... and all I can remember is singing songs, lunch time and the frequent bruises on my legs because a boy in my class usually threw me kicks...