December 4, 2012

Farewell Furry Fiend …

I am not too sad to say that our foray into true pet ownership ended on Monday night. 

A year and a half ago, my sweet Hubby surprised me by coming home with a bunny.  You can read all about that here.

We named him Max. At first we all thought he was a novelty.  The children hand fed carrots to him through the hutch doors. They oohed and ahhed about how cute he was. The reached their fingers in longing for a feel of his soft fur. He rarely obliged.

Then one day he crossed me by escaping from my arms while our back yard gate was wide open. He hid under the trampoline where I’d cornered him until my mom could come and help rescue me by shutting the gate. I was not letting that rabbit run away on my watch. I knew my kids would never forgive me. I got him back in the hutch. I also got scraped up and sweaty from chasing him around the yard. I vowed never to touch him again. And I haven’t.

He escaped from his bunny run one Sunday while we were at church.  It sent Hannie B into one of the biggest crying fits I’ve ever seen. She was sure a hawk had swooped down and devoured him. That punk. He was hiding under the trampoline. Again.

Weekly we have watched the Hubby don his work gloves, reach into the hutch and pull Max out for some time in his “bunny run” {think treadmill for rabbits, but with grass and tiny wild strawberry plants}. And weekly Max has scratched, clawed and done everything in his power to break free. I think the Hubby can say now that he doesn’t feel a lot of love for that bunny.

Daily I have had to remind Hannie B to go feed her rabbit.  I have gotten eye rolls, exasperated sighs, moaning, whining, you name it.  I’ve even heard multiple times, “I don’t even like that dumb rabbit!” Really? We should talk.

There is only one person who likes Max at our house. It is Owlie. He talks to Max. He takes him carrots.  He climbs in the bunny run to try to pet him. He tells me Max is our bunny.

But Max is not our bunny any more. This week he went to live on a nearby farm with a family that actually loves animals. Imagine that! Such a revolutionary idea.

They already have two bunnies, but three children, and were hoping for another bunny so each child could care for and raise their own. It was too, too easy to make the decision. The family also has a giant Mastiff, three tiny dogs, a family of quail and are getting ready to raise chickens. Seriously, could there be a more bunny appropriate family on the planet?

We all bid farewell to Max. Here is Owlie saying his goodbyes. Then the Hubby and Hannie B took him to his new farm home. No tears were shed. No love was lost. No hearts were broken.

The only proof we have that we ever owned a rabbit are these pictures and a huge {and I mean HUGE} pile of rabbit poop sitting in our back yard.

Today RedDog asked me if we could get a fish.  And done.

PS. While I have the utmost respect for people who love, care for and adore pets, it is finally decided for sure. I am not one of them.


The Queen Vee said...

Bunny free zone isn't it exhilarating? Congrats on finding a good home for Max the Unfriendly.

Apis Melliflora said...

I feel the same way about animals... even without undergoing a bunny experiment.

We tried fish. Six of them. None made it past two weeks.

I am grateful for the animal lovers of the world {because I have no gifts in the animal husbandry area whatsoever}.

christy said...

I totally get where you are coming from. We bid farewell to a bunny after about a year or two as well and no tears were shed.

I must admit though that I have become a pet lover. The key is to have a pet that can actually return the love. I NEVER thought I would be a dog person and yet, here I am. I could never understand why people put up with all the work, etc. that went into having a dog. But now that we have one and she is so loyal and fun and the kids love her to pieces, my heart has found a soft spot for her. I'm not trying to talk you into a dog. Just saying someday there may come an animal you fall in love with.

In the mean time, hooray for you and your farewell to your bunny!

TracyS. said...

Wow- quite the experience.

Anonymous said...

I am happy for the bunny and for you. Linda

Laura Waltz said...

We grew up with many pets: dogs, a turtle, gerbils, a rabbit, and fish. Although it was fun sometimes, I have to agree, I'm not a pet person either. My husband says I'll cave and get our kids a dog when they are older. Nope, not gonna happen! :D So just know, you aren't the only Mom out there like this!

Aiketa said...

I am happy that Max the bunny found a great new home. Yes, it looks like it was the perfect place for him.
I must say, as a pet lover, that he is adorable!

I agree with the comment above from Christy. The key is to have a pet that can return the love, and there is no better animal than a dog for that. But of course, dogs are lots and lots of work!

As an example of how much you have to adapt your life: This past week my parents were on a little vacation, so I had to go back to Girona to take care of them in order to avoid having to pay for someone to keep them.

But for me, all this work is so worth it.