October 4, 2012

How We Do “Neolithic”…

Today each class (Freshman thru Senior) chose a time period to dress up as.  Big C’s class chose the Neolithic Age.  He came home on Tuesday complaining that he had nothing remotely caveman-like to wear and it would put a damper on his spirited streak.  I gave him a reassuring pat and told him to have a little faith in his momma.

With some great coupons from Joann’s and a quick trip to Party City, we came up with this caveman costume for $12. I quickly sewed him a leopard tie out of faux fur and a cave man “dress” out of brown fleece, using one of his t-shirts as a basic pattern.  Both were 40% off and then another 20% off the entire bill. Score.  I picked up a $2 bag of bones from party city to make a necklace and a large bone (that’s what’s in his hand) for him to us to kill food or bonk a woman on the head.

The craftsmanship is bare bones.  It’s right up my alley – fake sewing.  But it made him really happy and was fun to do!  He’s had such a fun week.

This picture was taken at 6:30 this morning and those dirty dishes are STILL in the sink.  Time to get to work!

PS. Here is his Wild, Wild West outfit:


The Queen Vee said...

Wow, spending money and sewing costumes, you are da bomb DF. I'm glad you only had to wear pjs and togas as there was no JoAnns or Party store in H-berg.

It's so fun to see Chris enthusiastic about his school and spirit week. You're a super duper mom!!!

Big C is my kind of Neolithic guy.

Aiketa said...

I'm having so much fun watching his costume for the week. And I'm also having so much fun thinking how much I would have liked my HS to do it too (I know I already said that).

If I'm ever a principal of a HS (which I doubt), I will implement it! :D

You and Big C. made a great team and managed to do a great Neolithic man!

Apis Melliflora said...

I just love that Big C is so into it. Cave Man might just be my favorite (that leopard tie!).