October 3, 2012

Random Thoughts: Autumnal Edition

How on earth is is October?  October, people! October!  My thoughts, in no particular order:

  • These flowers make me so happy with their fall colors. Other fall things I’m loving: s’mores, pumpkin cookies, fuzzy socks, rain boots.
  • Speaking of rain, it rained all day yesterday. Appropriately enough, I attended the funeral of a most magnificent woman in the downpour. I believe the Earth was mourning losing her. But the Heavens were rejoicing in gaining her. Sally Dickson, you inspired me!
  • I have a completely potty trained three year and three month old. Cue the Hallelujah chorus! Diapers, be gone!
  • My Bic C was the best nerd ever yesterday.  And he was so excited to dress up for Wild, Wild West Day today, complete with a faux mustache. Up tomorrow, Stone Age Day. I love it!
  • I could sit and talk with my mom all day long.  She is a riot.  She has opinions.  And she’s the best.
  • Still no ringing of the ear or vertigo since hitting the garage door.  We’ve now decided that was God’s way of solving my problem! Love.
  • RedDog and Owlie want to be ninjas for Halloween.  Or as Owlie says, “Injas”.

I’m still standing here saying, “What do you mean Halloween? It’s not until October.”

Yep, it’s going to be a great month!


Aiketa said...

I don't how either how is it already October... it's so crazy how time flies!

I'm sorry to hear about the passing of another friend.

What great news about Owlie being potty trained! :D

I'm loving Big C. costumes for this week too!!! I think it must be so fun, I'm wishing we had that too at my HS.

I wish I could sit and talk with you and your mom! It's only time for this to happen, isn't it? I know someday we will meet in person.

I am so so happy that you hit that garage door then, if this means no more ringing or vertigo ever!

The Queen Vee said...

Me, have opinions, I'm shocked! I've decided I need to become a complete eccentric as I grow older...I think I'll take up wearing purple wispy clothing for a start and saying even more outrageous things.

Do you really think that smacking into the door at 90 miles an hour was the cure? Stranger things have happend, I'm HOPING that it's true.

That Owlet is getting to be a big opinionated independent boy, now if you can just get him to on a chair in nursery for the lesson. A mother's job is never done.

Big C is rockin it this week.

I love gloomy rainy days, especially when I'm flinging out the H-ween.

Ninja boys, something to look forward to at the end of the month.

Apis Melliflora said...

Your Random Thoughts are some of my favorite things. Happy Octobering to all the Injas in your house!

Tobi said...

I'm so grateful to hear that your vertigo and ear ringing have stopped. I have been praying for you. I'm happy to hear of any small improvement in your situation.

I love fall and I love Inja's. We had two Inja's for Halloween last year. It was FANTASTIC!