January 19, 2012

Around Here ...

My computer isn't back yet so all preplanned blog posts are on hold. Here's what's happening around here in the meantime ...

Somebody was given a new toy from kind neighbors who were cleaning out their garage. It is now the means of transportation for stuffed animals, snacks, tools and the boy himself if he's feeling like an emporer.

RedDog is busy sanding his first ever Pinewood Derby car. It is going to be slick.

I'm doing great on my healthy eating and exercise goal. I love having fresh fruit in the house.  This week it just happens to all be green!

I'm busy crafting.  There are just too many cool projects one can do with old book pages!

We've gotten out the Star Wars toys this week after a long hiatus.  All three of my boys are completely enamored - even the 14 year old!

It is official, I am a glitter addict of the highest order. This little glitter alphabet set has sent my heart all a flutter! What can't I glitter?

What's going on at your house?


Apis Melliflora said...

Domino trails. Snuggle pop-up book reading. Laundry. The last of the Cowboy Caviar. Lowes run for this and that. Vacation Packing list. Tang So Do. That's our day in a nutshell. No school tomorrow!

Tobi said...

Dude's first pinewood derby is this weekend. That's assuming that we are well by then. Coughing, sniffling, sore throats and fevers. Oh My!

I'm excited to see how Redog's derby car turns out.

Aiketa said...

In my house what's going on is: studying, studying, eating, then studying some more and then sleeping...
Exams period it is!

The Queen Vee said...

I can't wait to see what you're going to do with the book pages and all those glittered letters.

Today, I washed a lot of silverware, did 4 loads of laundry, all the ironing, pinned a lot of creepy Halloween stuff and now I'm contemplating hitting the gym tonight and then reading my RS lesson for Sunday.

I still have my Christmas Thank You notes to write too.