December 1, 2010

Uh Oh . . .


This one’s trouble.

Should I be concerned by the fact that he looks completely proud to be wearing my favorite lipstick?  Probably.

Should I be worried that the shade he chose to ruin actually matches his shirt? Maybe.

Should I even bother decorating a Christmas tree this year? Yet to be determined.

All I know is that this little Owlie boy of mine is cut from a different fabric than the other three.  You know, the fabric that has CRAZY on it.  Like climb up on the counter tops and unwrap a hundred sanitary products and unfold the laundry as you fold it and turn on the gas burners on the stove crazy.

Man, I love this kid.  Look at him.  He is hilarious and so stinking cute and full of vivacious personality.

But mark my words.  HE. IS. TROUBLE.

PS. I went to salvage the lipstick this morning and found that it was gone.  As in he’d eaten it.  Excellent.


The Nerd Mom said...

Oooh, should be some interesting diapers coming up!

And yes, he is toooo cute!!

Unknown said...

This is what I have to look forward to. :) He's a doll. He's already started on the laundry thing. What did you decide about make up?

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

I agree...should be interesting diapers. All kinds of colors! :)

Sam, he is adorable, so you really can't get mad at him, right?

lee kriel said...

thank you. i laughed out loud even before i read your words. look at that face. it says it all!

Tobi said...

He just looks so happy and so proud of himself. If it makes you feel better Alec ate three tubes of chapstick when he was about Ollie's age. Not all at once but there for a while I was considering taping my chapstick to the ceiling.

Apis Melliflora said...

Hee hee funny when it's not your kiddo! Who am I kidding, even when it is your kiddo.

jd said...


He IS stinking cute. And soooo not boring. I think he's awesome. :)

Emily said...

What a cutie! He's going to give you a run for your money.

Jessie said...

What a sweet-looking rascal. I know all about his kind! Very frustrating, but you have to just laugh. Or else you're stuck crying! Your adventures in the South look so warm and fun....all I can see is snow here.

Jennifer said...

My #3 is also cut from a different fabric than my other two. I like that you have identified it as crazy. My trees are up, but I am considering taking them down before Christmas...he is driving me insane!

You are not alone. But he is super cute in his new shade!