August 6, 2010

Reunion Recap #5: Sand Hollow Resevoir

 IMG_6925 As I’ve already mentioned, the pool at our rental house was awesome! But by the time we got back to the house most days from our off-site activities, the dry, hot desert air had heated the pool water to almost bathtub temperatures. 

So spending a day at Sand Hollow Reservoir brought welcome relief and cooler water for the whole family.  I know it looks like a big muddy mess due to the red sand, but the water was actually clear, as you can see here so expertly demonstrated by my pasty white RedDog.


Ollie chose to hang in the shade most of the day.


While a certain uncle tried to even out his severe biker’s tan.


There were snacks a plenty.


And flotation devices for those who happen to be uncomfortable in open water.


Grandpa and his chair found a comfy spot with a superb view of all the grandies.


While the truly young proved no chair was needed to play in the sand.


The heat was blistering, the water refreshing, the sea-dos a blast and the day a huge success.  Especially when our youngest family member realized that Sand Hollow Reservoir was the ideal spot for a sweet summer snooze.



Sue said...

Those toes are BOOBIE!

The Queen Vee said...

All I can say is,perfect family reunion!

Apis Melliflora said...

The color of the sand is really are all those happy toes and faces.