August 4, 2010

Reunion Recap #4: Grandma’s 94th Birthday


This is the Hubby’s only living grandparent and my children’s great grandma.  She is ninety-three.  During the reunion all thirty-five of us made the trek up to Kolob mountain where the Hubby’s family has property in a most beautiful setting to celebrate this little lady’s birthday.  She and her small doggy were mighty grateful and a bit overwhelmed!

The day started with the boys and dads heading up to the cabin early to do a service project.  Moms, younger children and babies showed up later for a day of good old fashioned fun, which included:

Burgers grilled by Grandpa and Uncle Bill,


Watermelon eating {with juices flowing a plenty},IMG_6775

multitudinous chip munching,


family rides in the Rhino,


Happy Birthday singing and chocolate cake eating,


rock painting {a craft from the Lee kids’ childhood which kept our little ones busy for over an hour!},


and of course, tree climbing.


We finished off the celebration with a quilt for Grandma that had a handprint and name from each of her twenty great grandchildren.  She thought it was quite wonderful!


I ended the day with a quick walk to catch a few stills of some of the simplistic, yet beautiful parts of the property.  Enjoy!




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The Queen Vee said...

She's one amazing strong woman. Looks like the perfect birthday to me!

C and Co. said...

If you spent time at Kolob, you were right by New Harmony where I spent a year of my life with my grandparents. Beautiful place. Sounds like lots of fun and wonderful memories.