August 3, 2010

Reunion Recap #1: Zion’s National Park

This year the Hubby’s family met up in St. George, Utah for a week long reunion.  We stayed in a house that slept all 35 of us, so as you can imagine, it was an absolute PAR-TAY.

I’m going to post twice a day for the rest of this week to hit the highlights of the reunion in a quick fashion.

First up, our day trip to Zion’s National Park.  Can you even believe we loaded up all twenty children {including three infants} and took them into a National Park in the blazing heat for some good old fashioned hiking?  I was a little worried about my kids – Ollie particularly – but lathered on the sunscreen, loaded them up with water bottles and headed into the great wilderness of the West.

When the sky is blue and the rocks get big and red, you know you’re close to Zion!


Ollie spent the entire day happily riding on his Daddy’s back.  The boy child was a trooper and I am very grateful. I’m also grateful that Uncle Brinton got a picture of me with my family – a rarity!


To accommodate the different levels of hikers we had, we chose the Emerald Pools for our hike.  Here’s a great view during the hike:


Half the group decided to hike to all three pools.  I, on the other hand, was assigned to the group that went back down the mountain after two pools.  Hannie B. and some of her Lee cousins were in that group.  {And all my boys did the entire hike, even Ollie!}


I’m calling this one “A Tree Grows In Zion”.  Seriously, the beauty of the hike was overwhelming!


At the bottom of the hike a happy sight awaited us – our Grandpa, wading his feet in the river, inviting all the little kids to do the same.  And they did!  It was a perfect ending to a hot, hardworking hike in one gorgeous national park.



Kasey said...

I've never been hiking. Sounds like fun! You're right, it is beautiful. I'm glad the little guy enjoyed it. I bet that made it a little easier on everyone!

christy said...

Love it. Glad Ollie was a trooper. We need one of thode baby backpacks for Claire.

The Queen Vee said...

Bright blue skies, fluffy white clouds, amazing colorful rock must be UTAH. Looks like a fun day to me.

Suzanne C said...

Oh, so jealous! Made me homesick for Utah! The Emerald Pools are so beautiful they are almost surreal. Glad you had some fun!

Aiketa said...
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Aiketa said...

Wow! I just love hiking! And your hike seems amazing to me... I believe you when saying the beauty was owerhelming... I can see it on the pictures!
Last Summer I went to Yosemite and the stay there and our 6 hours hike is the thing I remember as the best one from my month in the USA. Unless it wasn't as far as it is from my home, I would go there frequently...
You are really fortunate to have all these parks in USA, they are breathtaking!
But, here where I live I cannot complain because I have lots of nature and also breathtaking places.
I just happen to LOVE NATURE!

Sue said...

The pictures are so gorgeous! Once again, you and Edward pulled off a visual feast. And I love the fact that the hike ended in river revelry. Ahhhh!

Aiketa said...

P.S: You should ask more frequently for someone to take the pictures for you...