July 12, 2010

What We’re Up To . . .


This is our summer list, posted on the pantry door for all to see.  We’re slowly working our way through the suggestions we all came up with together during a Family Home Evening.

In addition to all that listed fun, the Hubby has taken my firstborn away from me for a week to introduce him to the joys of Boy Scout camp.  They’ve been gone all of ten hours and I’m already suffering withdrawals.  It may have something to do with the fact that I get to remain here with the other three, packing for our trip out west, trying to accomplish a few painting projects and preparing lots of fun little goodies for a girl cousins tea party that will take place at our reunion. Or maybe it’s knowing that I’ll be doing all the diaper duty for six straight days.  Hmmmm . . .

That’s what we’re up to!  How about you?  What’s your biggest summer plan?


Lori Gerten said...

We also make a bucket list each summer. We have gotten through quite a bit and it's been fun!

It's important to have a goal when you are home with your kiddos all summer!

Some of your ideas are way more creative than ours. I'm thinking we'll have to add the make homemade ice cream one to ours. It would be a win/win all the way around!

Apis Melliflora said...

We haven't made a list this summer. It's been a go with the flow type deal. But we've still packed a lot in. "Make homemade ice cream" has been on our list every summer...but it's one that hasn't always been checked off because I keep forgetting to freeze the base to the ice cream maker.

The Queen Vee said...

I'm flying by the seat of my pants, flexibly is he important element for me each and every summer.

Kasey said...

Is the word pool at the bottom of your list? If so, I see it still needs to be checked off. You can always take a road trip to k-zoo and swim in ours!!!

Unknown said...

If you miss Mt Vernon this summer do it at Christmas break. Mt Vernon is decorated for Christmas with items from that time period and folks are dressed in the clothing of the time. It is also one of the times you can get to the third floor to see George and Martha's bedroom. Mt Vernon is an all day trip but well worth taking.