July 9, 2010

Figure Drawing 101…


Hannie B. is enrolled in a figure drawing art camp this week.  It’s been so fun to see what she comes home with each day.  I was particularly impressed with this charcoal rendering of a wooden model that she made.  This is the first time {that I’m aware of} she has used shading to bring dimension to an object she’s drawn.

We have one of these wooden figures from Ikea that sits in various poses on the shelf in Big C.’s room.  I think we might have to get it down and do some experimenting.

It is unbearably hot here this week with temps in the 100’s plus humidity.  We’ve been staying indoors which means everyone is on eachother’s nerves.  Then last night I was up with a barfy kid all night, so today is pretty much guaranteed to be AWESOME.

Hopefully I can get some ironing done, let the kids watch a  movie and play some Wii, and have a happy baby.  Those are my goals.  What about yours?


Kasey said...

Wow, I can only draw stick figures. Way to go!! It looks awesome. I've accomplished painting the stairway walls, pulled weeds out of driveway, laundry, read scriptures, and now I need to fix lunch, sweep, and fold clothes, and wait for the a.c. guy to come so I can pay the other half of our bill. I was hoping he forgot that we owed him a couple of G's$$!
No such luck. Oh, and I am counting my blessings again, that we have a.c. in our house now! This week has been nasty at our house too.

The Queen Vee said...

Hannie B, you're so cute and talented. Someday I think you'll paint a picture for me to hang in my house.

Apis Melliflora said...

That looks so good, Hannie B. Who knows, a few summers from now, you may be the one teaching art classes to elementary kids!

Good job developing that gift, Mom!

Hope things got better: less barfy and cooler too.

Sue said...

Dude, that girl's got SKILZ! I couldn't draw that well in my college design classes. I guess that's why I became a photographer.

Here's wishing you a cooler, puke-free day and night!