July 2, 2010

Two Weeks . . .


We’re two weeks into our summer vacation.  We’ve had a family reunion, an out-of-town guest, visits to the pool and library, late overs, grilled food, home improvement projects, swinging in the back yard and fun in our refilled, debugged sandbox.

In the next two weeks my two oldest will attend camps (figure drawing for Hannie B. and Scout Camp for Big C. and the Hubby)  Then we will lug our four children – one kicking and screaming – and all their luggage onto a plane and head out West for two weeks to attend the Hubby’s family reunion.

In the midst of all the chaos the next two weeks will bring, my little Owlie boy will turn one. How on Earth can that  be?  There are times when the past year seems to have gone by oh.so.slowly.  And then there are times when it has flown by at breakneck speed and I can’t seem to slow it down.  Life, I guess.

I felt like today, before the two weeks catch me up in their busy whirlwind, I should chronicle some of Ollie’s most recent milestones.  Currently he can:

Wave hello while saying “hi”.

Wave goodbye while saying “bah-bah”.

Feed himself with fork {if I stab the food}.

Stand independently for about twenty seconds.

Take two to three steps.

Climb the stairs {and then promptly turn around and fall down them}.

Dance to music.

Eat grown up food chopped into very small bites. Favorites include pizza, lasagna and zucchini.

Play the piano.

Put a play phone up to his ear and pretend he’s talking.

Point at what he wants.

Throw a temper tantrum when he doesn’t get his way.

Turn the pages of a book and ‘comment’ on the pictures.

He’s a happy, funny boy and we sure are glad he’s a part of our family.


Apis Melliflora said...

We think he's a wunderkind! He can climb the stairs and descend (with major assistance on the descend). But my personal favorite is the way he looks at things he admires and says "Ahhh!" He kept crawling over to the American flag and doing that this past week... a patriot already!

The Queen Vee said...

One already, Oh My! Love my cutie patootie Owlie.