July 6, 2010

The Post Wherein I Profusely Apologize . . .


My baby looks a little freaky in this picture and it really has nothing to do with this post, But Look! he’s feeding himself with a fork.

I owe an apology to my other blog.  You know, the one I started at the first of the year with a goal to post one photograph each day as a way to document our family’s life in all its mundane glory..  Yeah, I’ve pretty much been a neglectful owner and disloyal friend. Somewhere near the almost halfway point, I hit a bit of a rough patch.

It’s not that I haven’t been taking pictures every. single. day.  Edward is still my trusty companion and we are a might duo when it comes to capturing the memories.  It has more to do with the fact that life is busy! And I have four kids nipping at my heels all day, demanding my attention and keeping me engaged, which means less time at the computer {not a bad thing}.  By the end of the day when I should sit down and pick one photo to download, I am ready to curl up in a heap on the couch and watch the Tour de France with my sweetie.

Please forgive me photoblog.  You are now up to date and I am committed to doing better. Well, until I don’t do better, but you know I love you.

Dear Readers,

I was so encouraged by all the comments left about sleepovers yesterday.  Thanks for letting me know how you feel.  It is obviously a ‘hot button topic’ with parents these days.  I feel like I could write another follow up post just based on the comments alone, but I will leave it at this:  Every parent has the right to decide for those under their care what is in the children’s best interest regarding sleepovers. For our children that means a blanket statement AND NO EXCEPTIONS is best – otherwise they become confused and try to rationalize each individual invitation. I am and will always be a bit of a paranoid mom who feels that an ounce of prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a possible harmful event to my children.


AllisonK said...

No exceptions... that is our policy as well. We have friends who we would trust and add them to our will in the care of our children, but still with sleepovers we have kept the same rule: no exceptions.

The Queen Vee said...

You're forgiven.

That boy is growing up tooooooo quickly.

Apis Melliflora said...

Yeah, more pictures to oogle over! Better to be apologizing to a blog than to the five people who are most often featured on it.

Kasey said...

I think you should summarize all the comments and put it in pros and cons. That would be fun to look at. You're right it's a hot topic and there were lots of opinions on it.