July 7, 2010

Owlie’s Induction . . .

His Royal Grandma is naughty and slips chocolate chips between his sweet pink lips.  His brothers and sister find it hilarious to watch  him suck on a lolly.  And now my baby boy has been inducted by his persuasively evil Daddy into the S.S.S.


Look at his face.  He’s getting excited as he puts his little paws on the prize. I capture this moment, thinking “How cute.  He wants a sip of his Daddy’s nasty corner store treat.”

Suddenly, before I can stop it, his father relents and lets the wee one have his first pull of the chilled concoction known as ‘Orange Float’.


Hands are waving, toes are curling and a sweet smile spreads across the Owlie’s face.  He looks up at his dad, rendering him utterly defenseless and claims the drink as his own.


The father’s face says it all.  “Dude, that’s my drink.”

Ladies and gentlemen {Hi, Dad!} I give you the newest member of the Secret Slurpee Society. In this short moment my boy was made happy and all my efforts at healthy infant feeding were lost forever. 

PS. For those of you who frequent places of business on Sunday {Mormons do not}, 7-11 is handing out free Slurpees this Sunday, July 11th.


The Queen Vee said...

Ah ha ha ha ha, the evil slurpee!

Lori said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! What a cute little SLURPER! He'd be in heaven at our house...Motto...A SLURPEE A DAY KEEPS THE SUMMER HEAT AWAY!

Tobi said...

It's tough to deny that cute face. I guess it's up to you as the Mom to stay strong and not give the cute little baby whatever he wants. Good luck with that! :)

Emily said...

Darn we can't get a free slurpee! Owlie is looking older to me, maybe the slurpee did it.

Jennifer said...

Leave it to a daddy to give them whatever they want. At least that is what happens in our house.

Until last week when I gave my little one chocolate.


Apis Melliflora said...

I see the size of that Slurpee and I was to say slow down! Don't Supersize that little Owlie!