While I know the shots won't be fun, we have bigger fish to fry at this appointment with our pediatrician. Ollie needs to sleep. And Ollie needs to poop. And Ollie's little tummy needs to not be so rumbly every time he eats. Basically, Ollie isn't super happy a lot of the time and we want to know why so we can help him feel better and be the cheerful boy we get glorious glimpses of.
So wish us luck! {and pray that our doctor has a solution to take care of the DARK circles under my eyes and maybe even gives me the green light on dairy because I cannot get the good stuff out of my bloomin' mind.}
Update: Per our pediatrician's advice, we are going to try putting Ollie on probiotics to help his "gut" get to a better place. If that does not work, we will begin exploring the lactose intolerance side of things. Otherwise, our check up was great. Ollie is healthy, growing and even giggled for the doctor after he drooled down her cleavage. Tonight all joy will end as we put him in our walk in closet and let him cry. Patience and earplugs, my friends. Patience and ear plugs.
Hope all goes well today at the Dr's office!
Time to let that baby cry it out!
Prayers for you, Ollie, and your doctor. I hope you find a solution that works for you. When my baby and I were in a similar state, (4 months old) I ended up using Babywise. It was hard, but after a week or so, he and I were both very happy.
Hey I know a little something about cranky babies! Maybe you ought to call me. I'm a bit of a mad woman right now, but call my cell phone when you have time to chat and I'll make the time if you want to know my opinion. It starts and ends with something you may not like though. Specifically Nutramigen. I think the little guy may need hypoallergenic formula. If you are totally off dairy and he's still that cranky and sleepless? He's got a serious allergy. Emma had it. Logan had it less, and we assumed Trent had it until he was 8 months. Anyway, call me. But talk to your doctor about it first.
Hope you can find the answers you are looking for today!!
I hope all goes well at the doctor. You and the little guy still look cute as can be despite the lack of sleep. May you find a solution though so you can both enjoy some more shuteye and so that little Ollie will be able to show off more of his darling smiles.
Ok- I should have explained why Babywise worked for me because it is controversial. Before I tried it, my focus was always on getting Simon to sleep. I was always trying to put him down for a much needed nap and frustrated that he would only sleep for 5 minutes. So I'd try again. and again and again. Meanwhile, he was NOT sleeping and crabby and I was not sleeping and crabby. After I read the book, it explained that the natural rhythm should be "eat, play, sleep" So I would feed the baby, play with him for an hour or two and then put him to bed. I put my emphasis on the play portion and left the sleep up to him. He didn't get it for a week (or maybe 2) but then, it he started sleeping and I started sleeping and we had such happy times together emphasizing the play parts of our day.
That said- when he turned one, we figured out he is lactose intolerant and maybe he would have put on weight a lot better had he been on a soy formula instead of breastfed. So maybe there is something to what the Anderson Zookeeper has to say!
Sheeesh poor kid and mommy! I seriously will pray that your doctor has some solutions for you and Ollie today!! (and then pass them on!!!!)
Jacob did better on NUTRAMIGEN or should I say liquid gold! It was expensive but worth it for us!
Good luck with the sleeping and the new diet. My kids always slept great after the trauma of getting shots. Did it work for Ollie today?
Best of luck I hope everything works out and you get some sleep soon.
Ollie's worries and yours will soon be a thing of the past. That's my wish for you. Hope closet sleeping night #1 went well!
Sounds like you have an awesome pediatrician. They're hard to come by.
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