When great report cards came home last week the Hubby offered to take the kids out for celebratory ice cream. On the way he offered up a choice: go to Cold Stone for a $5 cone or go to the new
Wegmans grocery store where each kid could get an entire 1/2 gallon for less than $5.
You see what they chose. And yes, all three
kiddoes got an A in Math! Delicious dividends aren't hard to figure out.
Sweet Bribery! I love it Ice Cream Man! I love it!
Smart kids! and smart Dad!
They take after their dad by figuring out how to get the very most for their moola.
Good job kiddos especially on those report cards.
Kids after my own heart. You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!
I tried that on my daughter once. It didn't work. Who can blame her though. Cold Stone is pretty darn yummy!
She knows how to work the system. She choses cold stone and then talks me into getting ice cream at the grocery store (she knows I love it!). Bad mommy! Bribery doesn't work if you give in and they get everything! BAD BAD BAD!
I'm wondering how much they were able to consume at one sitting. Yummy fun. Good job at school all ice cream lovers!
Smart Hubby and Kids! Welcome Back! I hope you had a nice break.
Way to go kids!
Great choice kids! I'm not a fan of bribery, but I LOVE creative motivation!
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