June 1, 2009

If I Coulda, I Woulda . . .

In an ideal world, I would live close to all of my siblings so I could shower them with love, affection, gifts and goodies on their birthdays. Alas, I only live near one of the three. Because of this, some birthdays pass by and I manage to neglect my sisterly duty, blame it on proximity and vow to do better next year.
Well not this time! Since I managed to have two of my three sibs here over the weekend and today is our baby brother Matt's birthday, we managed to make a run to the blessed Target and spend absolutely zero dollars on what we would have gotten him if we could have gotten him a gift. Happy Birthday BooChick {don't ask, I have no explanation for the origin of this nickname}. We all love you immensely, hope this brings a smile to your face and wish we could be with you today!

From the Hubby and the Kernal: Some nice hats for your Western lifestyle.

From the Dragonfly: A shirt that summarizes your life philosophy.

From the Queen: Essential supplies for a SuperSmart little Kitty.

From your favorite SIL: An all-in-one kit perfect for your new found flexibility.

From the HoneyBee: A medical cocktail party that's good for what ails you.

From Photobro: I can't explain this one, but I think it comes with a free snuggle and some tiny hamburgers with him.


Kasey said...

That is great. What a fun family you are!!

Apis Melliflora said...

This new tradition of virtual gifts is the best ever. Plus there were the virtual hugs and kisses that came with all those Target goodies.

Happy Birthday BooChick! Hope you have an awesome day!

Lori said...

"I'll tell you what!" (Spoken with a Wyoming spit in the fire accent) That was hillarious! Love the cowboys. Happy Birthday Matt Man.

Lori said...
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The Queen Vee said...

I just want you to know it wasn't my post above that was deleted.

Our virtual birthday gifts were just the right price for our pocket books in this difficult economy. Also saves BooChick gas and time, no returns necessary.

We did double shopping as our Son-in-law Thomas was also the recipient of many virtual gifts chosen especially for him.

Happy Birthday wishes to both of these boys/men.

Matt said...

I don't know what to say, except that you're all goobers and I love you very much. By the way, Chris would have won because Snuggies are amazing! You can stay warm and still use your hands. I can't believe someone actually came up with such a genius idea! Think of the possibilities: I could answer the phone, type on the computer, change the TV channel, pet a cat (if I owned one), use the microwave, vacuum the floor, scratch my nose, clap my hands.......all while staying nice and snug! Amazing!

The Dragonfly said...

Matt: Please reconsider your winner after pondering on the one thing it would not be easy to do whilst wearing your Snuggie - use the bathroom! :)

Matt said...
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Matt said...

Sam, depends if it was a #1 or #2. (-;

Pinspot said...

I absolutely love this post! You guys are too cute!

If I could have gotten something for Matty from Target I would have gotten a...

Oh wait...

Everything I got Matty was from Target, cause I friggin' love that place.

west wind said...

I too gave the Honey Bee and her Honey Bear a couple of virtual gifts....after signing them up for a wine tasting course! What a nice birthday week for all families involved.

Lori Gerten said...

What a wonderful idea!! How did you get them all to do that?

Unknown said...

You guys have some of the best ideas. I loved the virtual hugs and presents. Happy Birthday Matt

Tobi said...

Happy Birthday Matt! I love the virtual gifts.

I think Samantha's t-shirt was the clear winner in the gift giving contest!

Burton's blog said...

That's my kind of shopping! How fun! It's so good to see your family again!! Tell them HI!

Dion Seneca said...

I LOVE this idea!!! I may have to try it out sometime. Very fun!