April 21, 2009

Little Stranger . . .

Yesterday as I looked at this newest 'photograph' of our baby's sweet little face, I heard my heart asking the question, "Who are you, little stranger?"

And then I answered myself.

"I know you, sort of. You talk to me through Morse code - a series of kicks here, a complete lunge there, and sometimes I think we'll name you Thumper because your foot can move at a ridiculously rapid pace like that little bunny from the movie Bambi. Thank you for being wiggly! Every time you move it is comfort to my soul - a reassurance that you are still growing, thriving and working on joining our family.

But aside from what I can physically feel, I'm still wondering - who are you? What will your disposition be like? Will you be a smiley, bald fellow like Big C was? Or will you be a challenge and mystery like Hannie B? Maybe, just maybe, you'll be as easy going and serene as the RedDog since he's already decided you will be some kind of Dog like him.

What new dimension will you add to our family? What piece of our puzzle will you magically produce, just by being born? Will we be what we need to be to make your life joyous and wonderful? Will you understand how much we love you - how long we've waited for you to come?

Oh little stranger, I am so excited for you to come! And I can't wait to hold you in my arms to know you and love you and call you stranger no more. "


Emily said...

How sweet! You made me cry.

Kasey said...

If was fun to play the guessing game when I was prego. We would ask the same questions.

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

This is just beautiful, Sam. You succinctly summarized all the questions we have asked our unborn children!!

C and Co. said...

Oh, so sweet!! Sniff, sniff!! I love the wonder of pregnancy. Enjoy!

The Queen Vee said...

He looks just like.......let me think.....hmmmmm.....not quiite sure yet...still not quite sure....he's still a mystery child. I do know that in one of the sonogram pictures he was wearing a Halloween mask.

Good thing is it won't be long before part of the mystery will be solved.

Apis Melliflora said...

I love this eloquent letter to your sweet baby. I remember sitting in the old rocking chair wondering the very same things aloud with each of my children too. Your little puzzle piece will fit perfectly, I'm sure!

squeezeme said...

I still have those conversations with my little 19 month old Anthon and love how everyday I get to know him more and more. I cherish the unfolding. What is true about my little guy is that even with his birth order of 4, which brings the need to "wait" he joins his siblings in becoming the fourth out of four spirited children. Bless us for parenting all of this "spirit"!! But what do Matt and I expect.....when we both are too.

Shell in your Pocket said...

How exciting for your fammily of 5!
sandy toe

jd said...

that made me want to cry, a little bit. Good thing I'm made of stone :). But I might cry a little bit, later. Love you tons--

Tobi said...

Awesome ultrasound picture of your little strangers face!! I love technology! How did women do it before ultrasounds and epidurals?

Love this letter to you baby. Very sweet.