April 20, 2009

The Irony . . .

For the first time since we started taking a Sunday picture, it only took one try to get a decent shot of the crew! The irony of this picture is that despite how stinkin' cute RedDog and Big C look and the fact that we all look pretty darn happy, just seconds before we snapped the picture we were all arguing with one another in total anti-Sabbath fashion.

I expected to see at least one sad or pouty face when I checked out the picture, but decided that even though the Hubby and Hannie B were slightly out of focus and my chin was jutting out ala Jay Leno, we should just go with it because it could all go down hill really fast from this point.

Luckily, this photo marked the turning point for our day and the rest of it was spent happily and without drama or harmful event. Is it just me or does Sunday sometimes seem to be the catalyst for the worst behavior on every one's part in the family? I cannot for the life of me figure out why on this one day we have set aside to rest and worship, we fight like cats and dogs. Anyone?


Apis Melliflora said...

Great shot of everyone.

The mystery of Sunday behavior. Hmmm. Maybe it's because everyone's on such good behavior in church, that the aftermatch is to unwind and let loose a little.

I think it's also just another reminder of why we really, really need faith in our lives. We need a perfect example of how to be loving, peacemaking, joyful people because we can be short-tempered, rabble-raising, easily discouraged poeple.

Tobi said...

I can relate to the bad Sunday behavior. I don't know what it is but Sunday seems to bring out the worst in me. Trying to make sure everyone gets out the door on time makes me crabby. Must be darker forces at work trying to keep us from attending church at all.

christy said...

I agree with the last comment. Sundays are hard for us, too. I have a hard time myself being patient and loving trying to get 4 kids out the door on time for church by myself. It takes all the self control I have not to resort to yelling or speaking unkindly. I'm sure it is darker forces trying to ruin what should be a peaceful, loving day. Good luck with that and let me know if you come up with any great solutions.

The Queen Vee said...

Sundays get a lot easier as you get older, now I just watch my children struggle with the Sunday routine. It's all part of the cycle of life at least for those who make Sunday worship a part of their lives

Clearly you all sprung into action for this springtime picture. It's a winner!

Burton's blog said...

My good friend and mother of 9 once told me that the idea of Sunday being a day of rest is enjoyed only by the husband on the stand and not the mother pacing back and forth between her fighing kids on the pew and the foyer! One other irony of Sunday for you to look forward to in the coming months. My babies only had their huge diaper blowouts that cover baby from head to toe during church! Enjoy!

Kasey said...

Great picture. Yes, I agree with you on Sundays. Q has meeting before church starts. so out the door at 8:30 he goes. I have to get the two and myself ready to be there by 11 and then he has to stay afterward for another meeting, so I bring them home too!! The one nice thing about having all the meetings on Sundays is, there are no meetings during the week. It just stinks have to drive two cars to church! It's not like our church is close either, it's about a 15 -20 minute drive from our house, otherwise, I'd have him pick us up!! Getting ready with the kids can be trying at times. I should be grateful I only have the two to get ready! It could be a lot worse I suppose.

Emily said...

Love your new haircut. Cute picture!